mick barry

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since Apr 30, 2001
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Recent posts by mick barry

Have a look in the Java console and see why it's not loading.
It may be finding it ok, but it's throwing an unahndled exception.
23 years ago
Objects is pleased to announce the release of jstart, a Java application launcher.
If you've ever had any problem getting a Java class to run, or had no idea what to do with a jar file, or maybe just had enough of the command line, then you need to check out jstart.
For more information have a look at: http://www.objects.com.au/products/jstart
Or email us at [email protected]
Mick Barry
Objects Pty Ltd
PS. Unfortunately at this time, jstart requires Java 1.2 or better to run.
23 years ago
If you are using your own tanble model check that you have implemented the setValueAt method correctly.
This methods needs to update your model data and fire appropriate events.

23 years ago
josi Scan lite is a Swing scanning frontend available for accessing both local and remote SANE scanners. It is available for download at: http://www.objects.com.au/products/josi/scanlite
Features include:
- supports Windows, MacOS, Unix, OS/2
- easy to use
- intuitive controls for setting scan options
- Preview support
- Remote scanning
If you have any questions then feel free to email [email protected].
Mick Barry
Objects Pty Ltd
23 years ago
You can achieve this with a bit of a kludge. TRy:
JTextField tf = ...;
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, tf);
23 years ago
You can paint outside of the paint method.
However looking at your example, I don't think you can paint in an applet init method as the graphic context has not yet neen initialized. You need to wait until the applet is started.
23 years ago
What you've posted looks fine. Maybe double check your import's.
If you can post the offending source file it may give more clues.
23 years ago
I agree with Matt, unless your really pushing Swing to it's extremes then it should do a great job of building your gui.
I've written a quite a few Swing apps of varying levels of sophistication and have had few serious issues, and even less that couldn't be worked around.
As far as an IDE goes, it's a bit of a personal decision really.
Personally I've never found one I'd use they all just add a lot of fluff IMO. A good editor and compiler is all you need.
Writing the api and getting it working first is a good idea and Swing is well suited to this approach allowing a separation of the presentation logic and the application logic.
Best of luck with it.
23 years ago
I cannot think of any reason why JNDI would operate differently in Swing or AWT.
23 years ago
Sounds like there may be a problem in one of your listeners. These are called from the event dispatch thread so if an error occurs in these it'll screw up Swing's behaviour.
But w/out seeing your code it's hard to know exactly what the problem is.
23 years ago
If you want to post the relevant parts of your code I can have a look at it for you.
23 years ago
Use of deprecated methods should not affect your coding. Most deprecated methods work fine.
What you need to be aware of if that the fact that they are deprecated implies that those methods may not be available in a future jdk releases.
23 years ago
When you use actions, a JMenuItem object is still added to the menu.
If you look at the sig for add you'll see that it returns a JMenuItem:
public JMenuItem add(Action a);
You simply need to set the mneumonic on the returned menuitem:
JMenuItem item = menu.add(action);
23 years ago
Not sure about the title bar, think it might be handle by the window manager of the OS so you could be limited to what you can do.
To change the icon, use setIconImage method in the Frame class.
23 years ago
Also have a look at www.solforum.com.
This is a Swing group communication tool we're also currently working on.
23 years ago