Ashish Jaiman

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since May 01, 2001
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This exception is thrown when no initial context implementation can be created. The policy of how an initial context implementation is selected is described in the documentation of the InitialContext class.
This exception can be thrown during any interaction with the InitialContext, not only when the InitialContext is constructed. For example, the implementation of the initial context might lazily retrieve the context only when actual methods are invoked on it. The application should not have any dependency on when the existence of an initial context is determined.
Synchronization and serialization issues that apply to NamingException apply directly here.
Hi Nikki
i would like to suggest that you go way rather then JSP way
but if JSP is the way you want then go to or and search get any book who is well reviewed and received by users
22 years ago
quoting from gof
Abstract Factory has the factory object producing objects of several classes. Builder has the factory object building a complex product incrementally using a correspondingly complex protocol
can somebody provide me with somekind of code to programatically browse the net
Well Read the wrox publication books on XML ( they are really good)
and visit,
are also good resources
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer
DotNet and XML are two different paradigms, XML is just to store and present data and DotNet is a Platform, next version of Microsoft enterprise suite development tools, languages to write applications for thin client and thick clients, though DotNet has XML incorporated into the architecture so much that u might think u need to know XML for DotNet, but essentially it all depends what u want to do and what ur requirements would be, if u need to write applications and also want to know what is actually going inside at system level, how the data is rendered and other concepts u might need to know a bit about XML but if u just want to create applications just are interested in business rules and how to write code u might not even need to know XML, but knowing it is a bit better, now knowing XML is not rocket science, its not even a days of work and then u can learn as u work with it and encounter it in ur development cycle, u just need to understand the concepts a bit and yes it is DTD but now XSD is the new buzz word which is the schema definition for the XML document u would be working with
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer
First of all XML is not a language its a more of a methodology for storing text data, XML is not proprietary, its open and anybody can use it its more of a concept to store data and transfer data in text format which can be understood but disparate systems, then there is XSL(T) which can be considered as a language to transform XML document to another XML document.
U can use XML with any language which can work with text files be it Java, C++, or VB(Microsoft), all u need is a parser (which u can write ur own in ur language of choice) to work.
Microsoft is not developing anything under the sleeves the things are in open like Dot Net that has XML underlying everywhere in the architecture and support for applications build to use XML, Web Services is what I think would be next major thing, where u can talk to disparate Programs, execute methods and get data as XML over HTTP (mainly)
Comparing JAVA to DOTNET would be pretty interesting as one of the main difference is JAVA applications are mostly platform neutral while applications in DOTNET would be Language neutral like write in ur preferable language and talk to different DOTNET languages, also In Java World there are both pros and cons of having so many vendors for ur enterprise application in Microsoft world One vendor (Microsoft) does it all and it has its own merits and demerits.
C# from Microsoft is a copy of Java but obviously more features and better in terms of GUI and Event handling (obvious because it took concepts from Java world and VB world). Similarly ASP DOT Net has more and better
I think in long run both Java and DOT Net would be winners as competition brings out the best.
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer

I want to fetch the data from database and convert the fetched data into xml document

For this u need to first figure out which data base u would be using and which programming language if the answer is Microsoft then SQL Server2000 and ADO(.net) provides u with the API so that u can directly get the data in XML else u can use any Programming language (java ...) and any data base query the database get the result and convert the result to an XML document by using the Programming language and appropiate parser
u would need parser which can be free downloaded from the net once u decide which one u would be using

display this xml document data on the webpage and again fetching the user entered data from the webpage

for this u can use XSL(T) to render the information as HTML page and get the information back from the user or u can use a programm in ur language of choice and a parser.

converting into xml document and then storing back into the database

again u would need a program , parser to convert the data into appropiate sql satements and insert(update) data in the database

In order to do the above listed simple situation, what all should i use/download.

u would need a parser for sure and u r good to go

Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer
i would say pretty fast, if rdbms fundas r clear then move to any rdbms is very swift, i never worked with oracle but had 4 yrs of SqlSrv, i didn't had any problems what so ever understanding and working with it ( though it might be a problem being a DBA) but as long as work with oracle was not a problem, with net being the biggest help in nay transition
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer
The main differnce is SAX is event based parser implementation and DOM is Tree based parser implementation, now this would certainly give performance differences when searching, inserting(updating) etc based on the type of XML document and its size.
I think u can always work around to get multiple inheritance behavior by interfaces, delegation, the reason I think of having any feature, anywhere is just the cost benefit ratio of features and learning /ease of use, ya every one in the world wants everything and in the space of reasoning features are more of needs then wants but u have to take the middle way where ur needs(wants) does not make the whole thing so complex that just in the matter of time from need they become unproductive, I agree with u that status quo is unacceptable in this line of work and there needs to be innovations but the whole paradigm of computing has changed very much in last few years and focus has to be shifted, innovations in enterprise computing should be the priority and other priority should be ease of use and faster learning curves so that the results are more effective and efficient
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer
I totally agree with David and also there is no need to bring out java++(--) i think we should concentrate on enterprise software development issues then keep on improving and fit in every thing that is possible in a language just because the compititor has ++ or # appended, we need to make investment in problems which would solve enterprise issues, internationalization issues and make solutions more reliable and pluggable and provide all handles in the platform(language) to do so and i think sun(java) has and is doing excellent job by providing its enterprise APIs and concepts and let vendors build solutions over them

Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer
The Performance of XML is mostly judged by the parsers performance, there are so many available also which implementation(DOM or SAX) and what are ur requirements as how big the XML document would be ..., and u can find this info on the web (look for XML Journals), one thing is for sure that XSLT certainly improves performance in trnasforming XML doc compared to Parser implementation
Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer
XML is used to store and Transfer Text Data as Values of the Elements and Attributes that can be defined by a common understanding between different entities(people, programs). The use of XML is to store text data and transfer data between those entities like lets say u have 2 programs one written in VB and other in Java and u have to transfer data u can have VB prog writing data in an XML file and Java Prog reading that XML File, same way u can use a database, but of course both programs must know the elements and attributes they would encounter which would be either written in DTD or XSD and Both programs would have access to that DTD or XSD to know what hoe are supposed to get the XML data, this has given birth to many things as Web Services where one prog will query another prog and get data back thru soap.
As far as Designing XML goes as long as entities can come up with a consensus of how the data would be stored, u can then design DTD/ XSD and then populate XML file with the data.

Sun Certified Java Programmer
Microsoft Certified Software Developer