Thanks Bill for replying during the weekend. There is first an application url that the users go to and this goes through our LDAP server where the user-id is verified and we have a request header called "user" set there. So, what essentially we are trying to do in our filter is to check for the presence of that request header, "user". For some reason, when we print out all the request header name and value, that "user" request header is not among them. But I know for sure that the request header , "user" is set because I took the same code that I wrote in filter and put it in the struts action class and print out all the names and values, it is present. So, I don't understand why the filter and the action class are getting totally two different request objects. I have only one filter that checks for that "user" request header. Please let me know if I can provide any more details. I really appreciate your help.