johny sill

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since Jul 08, 2006
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Recent posts by johny sill

yes i taking alout jdbc

How to maintain transaction management in swing application,

i have a problem when save the the transaction,

when the two users save the transaction at same time ,only one transaction is committed ,other one generate an error

please tell me,

Thanks in advance,

i develop a swing application,
i create a connection like this
public static Connection getConnection()throws Exception{
Connection conn=null;

catch(SQLException sqlex){

but this connection is hold in db,not closed
this time i got an error like maximum number of connections exceeded

pls help me,

16 years ago

i use isCellEditable false for all columns in JTable, at the time of creation.

But when runtime i want to edit some cells in JTable,

How to do this

16 years ago

I am developed ejb application which is deployed in jboss4.0.5.

I write a swing client to look up ejb. Here is the code

And place the ejb application jar file in swing application library.

Connection established when when both appliactions in same machine and also
extenal ips which are in same pool like 123.*.*.* and 123.108.*.*.

But connection not established when external ips different pool like 123.*.*.* and 61.*.*.*. I got an exception like connection refused to host.
I disabled firewall and security also

Pls help me,

17 years ago

How to maintain user session in swing,

I want to maintain session about user,

Thanks in advance

18 years ago

First of all i calling javascript function callJS() from swing

Here is my swing code

Here is my index.jsp

myapplet in above code is my applet name

Here is my Ajax.jsp

I am getting data from this jsp to javascript is work fine,But i want to send this data to to my swing,

But unable send the data using above code,

Help me,

Thanks in advace
18 years ago
send arraylist to webpage from swing and get some data(arraylist) from database then send these two arraylists to it swing
18 years ago
18 years ago
i done with servlets it works fine,

but i want to display something in that web page and gets the response
18 years ago
Thanks for reply,

is there any other way,

Pls tell me,

Thaks in advance
18 years ago

Thanks for reply

i am trying open jsp from swing using

But i want to send some data to jsp and display it,Then i get some reponse(data, ex:ArrayList) from that jsp to swing

How it is ,

Thanks in advancve
18 years ago

Tell me how to implement AJAX(Asycronous Javascript And Xml) with swing,

Help me,

Thnaks in advance
18 years ago

I send string to jsp from swings using URL

And then call servet from jsp(submit some values to this servlet from jsp)

Now i want to send ArrayList to my swings ,

How it is,

i know call servlet from swings,retrive values from servlet to swings. This is two way communication,

But now my requirement is one way, i didn't call servlet directly from swings, i call from jsp

Help me,

Thanks in advance
18 years ago