J Davidson

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since Jul 12, 2006
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It all depends on what, and to whom, you are trying to communicate. Putting too much details in a sequence diagram can only clutter things up and drown out the important parts. An average person can hold around 7 items in his short-term memory, so use that as your guideline on how many objects to include in a sequence diagram.
Resource contention is your biggest issue. Do you have enough threads/nodes handling concurrent requests? Do you have beefy hardware to support your system? You must look at the whole system from the GUI down to the hardware.

Ability to deliver Technical Documentation of architecture and design to Development Management and Chief Architect

Shouldn't it be the other way around? And if the developers are doing the design, what's the architect doing?
18 years ago
Is your Hibernate config in the classpath?
18 years ago
Go to www.xfront.com and you'll find your answer.
18 years ago