Dileep Kamath

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since Jul 15, 2006
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Recent posts by Dileep Kamath

Try the tips on this page - Module Null

14 years ago
I'm using OracleAS Portal and the oracle portal development kit to develop the portlets. I'm using this to develop a struts based portlet.

1. The parallel page engine in the Portal doesnt seem to support multipart requests which prevents file uploads.

2. The PDK doesnt not supports content type text/* only. Due to this I'm unable to dynamically generate a PDF and write to the response. Since the response from a servlet goes to the PPE and not to the browser doesnt seem to be a way to achieve this in a portal.

Looks like the solution to both these problems would be to have a seperate servlet to upload/download. The user session is not being passed to the servlet even when it resides in the same web app as the portlet. Has anybody successfully resolved this? Could you please help me out?
16 years ago

Originally posted by Dileep Kamath:
You could have both the personal details bean and the employment details bean as fields in an employee action form and then access them.
If you want to populate the name field of the personal details bean then it can be done by:

Your employee action form will have a getter and setter for the personalDetails bean similar to any other field in the action form.

I have no clue as to how hibernate and struts work together but I think the above approach should suit your requirement.

I saw only after I posted my reply that Merrill has already answered the question
17 years ago
You could have both the personal details bean and the employment details bean as fields in an employee action form and then access them.
If you want to populate the name field of the personal details bean then it can be done by:

Your employee action form will have a getter and setter for the personalDetails bean similar to any other field in the action form.

I have no clue as to how hibernate and struts work together but I think the above approach should suit your requirement.
17 years ago
Struts looks up the attribute stored against mapping.getName(), initialises the validator with this object and then invokes the validations. So you can define the same action form class as two different form-beans and then use them accordingly in your action mapping and your validation.xml. This would let you perform different validations on the same action form class as the validations are not tied to the action form class but to the form-bean definitions.

Do post a reply if you need a sample for this.
17 years ago
Struts internally uses beanutils to get/set properties. So you can use the standard way to access attributes of beans, i.e. if "objClassA" is an instance of A in request then you can access size property of B by:

[ March 09, 2007: Message edited by: Dileep Kamath ]
17 years ago
Please check the signature of the FieldChecks.validateRequired method mentioned in your validator-rules.xml against the actual signature of the method in your struts jar.
17 years ago
Try adding this line in common/page.jsp, the page that assembles the tiles:

before the piece of code that inserts the body. Its worked for me, so should be the same for you.
18 years ago
I'm trying to call a webservice using a dynamic proxy client using the webservices.jar (implements JAX-RPC 1.0) provided with WSAD. The code is:

The webservice is the standard service generated by WSAD from an EJB. When I run above code the exception generated by the webservice router is:

I've been able to invoke the same web service using WSIF and also using the static client generated by WSAD. But the dynamic proxy client does not seem to add the soapaction header. Have I missed something in my code?

Thanks for the help,
18 years ago
When you press Enter key the result is the same as clicking on the first submit button on the screen. So if you place your Submit before any other submit buttons like Cancel, then Enter key would work automatically.

If its not possible to do this because of the screen layout then you can add a hidden submit button placed before other buttons.
18 years ago
Please try to print the session attribute stored against org.apache.struts.Globals.TRANSACTION_TOKEN_KEY and see if it matches with the one in the html source.
18 years ago
Yup, thats the way it works...

Struts 1.2 has introduced

to replace

ActionErrors extends ActionMessages so you should be ok. If you want to remove any warnings then just typecast errors to ActionMessages
18 years ago
A call to validate method of the ValidatorForm would invoke the validations defined in the xmls, so you wouldn't need to do anything specific to a form to invoke the validations.
18 years ago
You can set validate="false" in the struts-config and do a explicit call to the validate method of the form based on the required criteria.
18 years ago
You can access the map this way:

The action class code:

The jsp code:

The result:

I hope this is the only place in the application where you are accessing the above data structure, if not then it would better to design a custom tag for the same.
[ July 27, 2006: Message edited by: Dileep Kamath ]
18 years ago