Jan Ivanov

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since Jul 20, 2006
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Recent posts by Jan Ivanov

- so what does it mean ? it happens only from time to time. why ?

thank you !
18 years ago
there is no problem in transferring those files. my question is how to show the progress for each file at one moment ?
[ August 31, 2006: Message edited by: Jan Ivanov ]
Very important is that I need to copy taht file to each of the servers at one moment. Not file after file. I don't know how to get the progress state for each file for example for every one second ? Threads ? EJB ? Any ideas ? Please help me !
How to create smething like Tomcats <Context/> tag under JBoss?

I would like to have in my application <Environment/> which I could lookup later?

Is it possible ?
18 years ago

I need to transfer files from one server to many others and I need to show progress for each file in my servlet ? How can I do it ?
Liu it's not working Any idea ?

[ August 15, 2006: Message edited by: Jan Ivanov ]
Code is huge

I must simplify it

doPost() method

yes exactly !

That servlet import something to DB from file. It can last from seconds to couple of minutes. Servlet also shows percentage process progress. I want to disable two hrefs until it's finished.

How can I do it ?
I have two HTML <a> tags in my servlet. I need to disable them for a time when servlet do some jdbc operations. How can I do it ?

It occurs when I use cewolf tag
18 years ago
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP

Generated servlet error:
C:\jboss-4.0.1\server\default\work\jboss.web\localhost\cewolftest\org\apache\jsp\cewolf_jsp.java:121: _jspx_meth_cewolf_data_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag,javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext) in org.apache.jsp.cewolf_jsp cannot be applied to (de.laures.cewolf.taglib.tags.SimpleChartTag,javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext)
if (_jspx_meth_cewolf_data_0(_jspx_th_cewolf_chart_0, _jspx_page_context))

Generated servlet error:
C:\jboss-4.0.1\server\default\work\jboss.web\localhost\cewolftest\org\apache\jsp\cewolf_jsp.java:148: _jspx_meth_cewolf_producer_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag,javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext) in org.apache.jsp.cewolf_jsp cannot be applied to (de.laures.cewolf.taglib.tags.DataTag,javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext)
if (_jspx_meth_cewolf_producer_0(_jspx_th_cewolf_data_0, _jspx_page_context))

Generated servlet error:
Note: C:\jboss-4.0.1\server\default\work\jboss.web\localhost\cewolftest\org\apache\jsp\cewolf_jsp.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.

Generated servlet error:
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
2 errors

and then there is stackTrace from the first post
18 years ago
I also have this problem ! Really nobody knows how to solve it ?
18 years ago
Nobody knows why is it so slow ???
18 years ago
Hi !

I have problems with servlets performance.

If I start my app from Servlet for example http://server:8080/app/Start it works so slowly. Why? But if add to my app index.jsp with
and use URL like this http://server:8080/app, everything works fine. All pages shows right after I click on the buttons etc.

Please help me!
18 years ago