Rafa de Castro

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since Jul 25, 2006
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Recent posts by Rafa de Castro

- Short learning curve
- Easy to develop

I don't think so ;) ;)

It has many benefits but sure those two aren't true.
18 years ago
Is it possible to customize validation output?

For example, i'd like to display a ok symbol (a gif file) when the validation is correct and a cross when it's incorrect. Is that possible without javascript?
18 years ago
Stupid me.

Just using CSS.
18 years ago
And how does that work? You have a control panel where you can deploy your J2EE ear applications or only web war.

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
�Is it possible to change selectOneMenu size so it fits other components in a form? Just for visual appeareance.

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
It seems so. I've written some code and it's true what I stated before.

Transform the list of maps into a list of lists and then pass it to the datatable.

Then it will work.
18 years ago
I'm starting to think that JSF dataTable doesn't support unordered collections such as Map or Set. Try transforming the map into a list of lists.
18 years ago
Is it possible to put a HashTable into a DataTable? I never manage to get the values out of it.

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
I don't think that to be possible with only a datatable.

Have you tried with a datatable inside a datatable?
18 years ago
�Does anybody know where can I find tomcat logs from Jonas bundle with tomcat?

It's supposed to be on logs folder but i can't find them. There are only jonas-* logs and null-* logs ��??
18 years ago
Yep. I went through it. It looks really good but developers don't plan to include Drag&drop support. At least by now.

Anyway thanks.
18 years ago
Open Source if possible or at least cheap so it's for a non profit project.
18 years ago
Is there any JSF component that provides access to AJAX and Javascript capabilities such as Drag & drop and refreshing without reload.

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
If you put some code it will be easier to help.
18 years ago
Yes. I did a copy of other tryout. The correct code of the jsp was

Today I solved it but can't understad why.

I changed the declaration of getSelection table and seltSelectionTable like this and everithing worked.

Can somebody undestand why? All the docs I found were with the old declaration.
18 years ago