Raajesh Chandran

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Recent posts by Raajesh Chandran

Originally posted by Sudharsan G'rajan:
oh! Sorry for my misinterpretation. BTW are you using Unicode or non Unicode fonts for Regional Languages? Do u have any specific reson for using AWT in applets? Why can't yo use Swing in Applets?

It is working fine with swings. The need to use Unicode fonts is for the localization purpose.
22 years ago

Originally posted by Sudharsan G'rajan:
Java supports Unicode fonts. So one unicode font can be used for all regional languages. Create a resource bundle for the various regional languages and load them accordingly.

The REgional fonts are working fine in swings, the problem is only with the awt applets.
22 years ago
I want to set fonts (Regiobnal Languages).It is working fine when I use the english fonts.I can't set the fonts like SYMBOLS,WINDIGS etc..Pls help me how can I set the fonts.Thanks in advance
22 years ago
I created address_ty type for address.In that I used street1(varchar),street2(varchar),city(varchar),state(varchar),pincode(number).Particularly I want to get the city.
I used the Query like
select address.city from <Table Name>.But it is giving invalid column name error
Am using Oracle*i in windows NT.I don't what's wrong in this.
Thankx in advance
23 years ago
Hi Vanitha,
For inserting time use Date Type
insert into table1 values(To_Date('19/11/2001 2.50','DD/MM/YYYY HH:MT')
23 years ago
Hi Vanitha,
For inserting time use Date Type
insert into table1 values(To_Date('19/11/2001 2.50','DD/MM/YYYY HH:MT')
23 years ago
Am a java programmer.If I have doubt or feel free I used to come here.Really peoples here help me a lot.Now am free So,I come here and trying to clarify other's doubts

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[This message has been edited by Raajesh Chandran (edited November 05, 2001).]
23 years ago
Hi jeff,
I'm B.E Graduate having 3+ yrs experience in JAVA Tech.I have good experience in EJB and JSP.please let me know to this mail ID [email protected]
23 years ago

[B]Hi, Jeff
I'm B.E graduate and I have been working in JAVA Technologies for the past three yrs.Now I just looking for Good position in Java Technology.I have very good experience in EJB and JSP.please contact me at [email protected]
23 years ago
I'm doing chat program in java.I created the txt file and stored all the users name in that using random acces file.Now I want to sort all the usernames before retriving that one from that file.Is there is any simplest method to do this.While I'm doing this it is getting slow.Since I'm reading the usernames one by one and sort it and then retiving again one by one.
Help me Guys!
23 years ago