Vikram Shirur

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since Jul 27, 2006
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Recent posts by Vikram Shirur

Thanks for the response....
15 years ago

I have a midlet deployed on my blackberry,
This midlet talks to a servlet deployed on a server.

The servlet returns an html file.
Is there a way to display this html code in midlet (J2ME) ?

Currently the servlet returns a single line message and this is being displayed successfully as stringItem in the midlet.

VIkram Shirur
15 years ago
Congratulations ,
great score!
15 years ago

Exam study kit(by Deshmukh) is the best book...


I have used Weblogic 8 for two years, and I'm new to Tomcat, Please help me.

I am studying for SCWCD 5.0

In Weblogic we set the 'printNulls' to true or false in "weblogic.xml"

This setting in weblogic.xml avoids the display of "null" on the jsp's.

How can I do the same in Tomcat.

I'm using Tomcat6.0.18 & JDK 1.5

Vikram Shirur
16 years ago
Thanks a lot for the information....

I did not know about the "JavaScript's same domain policy"


Vikram Shirur

SCJP 1.4

I have a JSP(Opener) and its URL is "http://192.168.xx.xx/ttm/Login"
and have a link on the page....

When I click on the link it open a new page.... and its URL is

I have a hidden variable in the Opener.... I want to access it in the newly opened window...

How do I get the reference to the hidden varible of the Opener...

The problem is with the IP.... there are two different IP's
"http://69.68......" & "http://192.168.....".... this is causing the problem...

Can we get the reference of the Opener irrespective of the IP's

Please Help,


Vikram Shirur

SCJP 1.4

I want to Upload a JPEG file from the client browser(using JSP) and store it into a ORACLE DB on the server.....

Can anyone help me.... How can this be done....

17 years ago
Thats Great........ Congrats

Congrats ...Chetan... Good Score
Congrats... Good Score...