Annie Siddharth

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since May 04, 2001
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Recent posts by Annie Siddharth

I have an MDB that listens to the messages from the queue (OC4J implementation of JMS). The queue is currently set up as Permanent i.e., Table based.

I am able to read the messages successfully from the queue, but after reading, the queue doesnt clear up! Am I missing something here? Is there any property that I need to set?

Thanks much,
Thanks Nathan for the reply. Indeed I have changed the L&F to windows. That is the reason , the metal type icons are baffling. If I do a minimize or a maximize, the icons turn to "windows" icons. Any ideas?
21 years ago
Hi All,
Is there a way for me to change the icons(minimize, maximize, close) to "normal" window icons for JInternalFrames?
21 years ago
Phew...I figured out the second part too...I had wrong JSP file name configured in the struts-config.xml
21 years ago
Ok guys, I figured out on how to read the posted data on the web server side (struts Action class)

But I am still getting FileNotFoundException on the client side when I am trying to read back the response from the server.
- Annie
21 years ago
Hi All,
I have a java application that needs to post some data and recieve some back.
1. I have opened a HttpURLConnection and connect it to the server
2. setRequestMethod("POST");
3. And then getting the outstream and writing it to that
In the struts Action classes' doPerform (on my web server side)I am trying to read the data by getting HttpServletRequest.getInputStream. And then on success forward it to my JSP.
Problem is I am not able to able to read data on either side (client nor server). Is something wrong in the way I am posting the data?
Thanks in advance,
[ November 20, 2003: Message edited by: Annie Siddharth ]
[ November 20, 2003: Message edited by: Annie Siddharth ]
21 years ago
Hi All,
I have a question. The requirement that I am working on needs a Custom object A in a JList to be dropped on to a JMDIFrame but the object on the frame should be of Custom Object B. How do I accomplish this? Should I do the conversion on the createTransferable? Any ideas welcome.
Thanks in advance,
21 years ago
Hi All,
Has anybody tinkered around with iReport (Jasper Reports Designer tool)? I am having a wierd problem that I don't seem to comprehend. When I change the Look and Feel from Metal to Windows, and I open 2 new documents, I get StackOverflowError while it is trying to maximize the document
Hello All,
I need to launch Acrobat Reader from my GUI. How will I do that? - somehow get the information from the registry?? I need to support both NT and 2000.
Thanks in advance,
[ April 01, 2003: Message edited by: Annie Siddharth ]
21 years ago