Vani Prabakaran

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since Jun 08, 2000
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Recent posts by Vani Prabakaran

I have an applet that connects to the MySQL database to validate the user. The database is in a PC that has the web server. In other words, the applet and the database are in the same PC (say PC1).
1. Appletviewer works fine.
2. When I access the database from a pc's browser that has the network connection to PC1, it works fine. No problems.
3. When I try to connect to the database from a pc's browser that doen't have any connection to PC1, I am getting "Cannot connect to MySQL server on ......:3306. Is there a MySQL server running on the machine/port you are trying to connect?"
The applet is signed by Thawte. The applet and the database are from the same machine. Is there anything I am missing?
Any help would be appreciated.
I have a bat file that launch an emulator. It works fine with Runtime.getRuntime().exec(..) in an application. I tried the same thing in an Applet and I am getting IOException with createprocess error=0.
Is it possible to run a bat file in an applet? If yes, please give me some guidelines.
23 years ago
I don't know whether you found the solution already. Just in case, the below code works fine for me.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class MyTextField extends JTextField{
int limit;
public MyTextField() {
public MyTextField(int show,int limit) {
this.limit = limit;
addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent evt) {
if (getText().length() >= MyTextField.this.limit)
Let me know if you have any questions.
23 years ago
In my project I need to create a tabbed properties panel (like the one in VB). I am using JInternalFrame with JTabbedPane. I have added JTable inside the tab and it looks fine. The problem is, I need to format each cell in one column differently (one as a text field, another as combo etc) and it seems impossible as the cell renderer works columnwise (I may be wrong!).
Can anyone suggest any component apart from JTable for the properties window?
or is there a way to format the JTable cells in one coulmn differently.
Any help would be appreciated.
23 years ago
Can anyone please explain the differences between an abstract class and an interface?
We have an applet that was designed using AWT components. The buttons we created are shown OK in IE. However, the buttons are enlrged in the case of MAC with Netscape 4.5. As a result all the buttons are not visible.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
24 years ago
I am using AWT. In a main applet, I need to create the HTML dynamically (based on the user's selection) to invoke another applet. The HTML seems to be created OK but when it tries to invoke the applet, I am getting class not found exception. But when I run the created html separately (by saving it in a file) it runs OK in the same dir.
Can anyone help me solve this problem?
24 years ago
We have vertical and horizontal AWT scroll bars in out applet. We are trying to capture the mouse clicked and released events on that component. But the component generates only pressed, entered and exited events. But the right mouse button generates clicked and released events (weird!!). Is there any way to fix this sothat the left mouse button generates the clicked and released events?
Any help would be appreciated.
24 years ago
I have created the remote and home interfaces, bean class and compiled them successfully. I created the *DD.ser file also. I am getting the following message when I issued the command "java weblogic.ejbc *DD.ser":
"Interface *Home of class *HomeImpl not found"
"Interface *Remote of class *BeanEIImpl not found".
Here I am referring * as the name I provided. Since the classes it complains are created by the above command I don't know how to fix it.
Can anyone please help me solving this?
I am using weblogic 4.5.1.
We have developed our health system project in JDK1.1.8 in Win NT platform. The images that the project needs are in a Mac Server (WebStar). Sofar we have been using 2 servers, an apache in the PC for the client and the Webstar in Mac to serve up the images. Now we are trying to have everything in Mac and we are trying to port our java classes into the Mac. Can we just copy the jar etc files into the Mac server or do we need to compile every java code in Mac?
Please advise.
24 years ago
The below mentioned question is in Jxam.
Q: Select ALL valid answers...
Consider the following piece of code and select the correct statements.
1. Object o = new String("abcd");
2. String s = o;
3. System.out.println(s);
4. System.out.println(o);
Answer 1:
The following is displayed:
Answer 2:
The code fails to compile at line 1.
Answer 3:
The code fails to compile at line 2
Answer 4:
The code fails to compile at line 4.
Answer 5:
The code can be made to compile by changing line 1 to the
String o = new String("abcd");

The given correct answer is 3 and I think it is 3 and 5. See the attached working code:
public class testing {
public static void main(String argv[]){
//Object o = new String("abcd");
String o = new String("abcd");
String s = o;
Can anyone confirm this please?
24 years ago
The below mentioned question is in Jxam.
Q: Select ALL valid answers...
Consider the following piece of code and select the correct statements.
1. Object o = new String("abcd");
2. String s = o;
3. System.out.println(s);
4. System.out.println(o);
Answer 1:
The following is displayed:
Answer 2:
The code fails to compile at line 1.
Answer 3:
The code fails to compile at line 2
Answer 4:
The code fails to compile at line 4.
Answer 5:
The code can be made to compile by changing line 1 to the
String o = new String("abcd");

The given correct answer is 3 and I think it is 3 and 5. See the attached working code:
public class testing {
public static void main(String argv[]){
//Object o = new String("abcd");
String o = new String("abcd");
String s = o;
Can anyone confirm this please?
I am trying to appear for the SCJP exam next month. I have a question reg. the actual exam itself. What will happen to the questions that has multiple correct answers (say 2)
1. and you selected 3 (the 2 correct ones and a wrong one!)?
2. and you selected 1 (just 1 correct answer)?
Is it considered as a wrong one? It seems almost in every mock exam I tried, these types of questions are tripping me. I will appreciate if anyone can clarify me with this.
