huzefa qutbuddin

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since Jul 30, 2006
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no there is no tinymce support forum
just some more information

I am actually using tiny_mce from this website.
It is actually a jscript which creates a formatting toolbox(similar to ms word)
eg. you can bold words - It creates the html code, so when you save the text it saves the html code also

My code is as follows


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="../jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
mode : "textareas",
theme: "simple"

<form name="myform" action="../chapter_admin/<%=chapter_name%>?action=add_missionStatements" method="post" onSubmit="return verify();">
<b>MISSION STATEMENT:</b><p><p><textarea cols="80" rows="5" name="DESCRIPTION" colspan="2">


Now the problem is that if I try to use any other javascript in this text area, the onkeydown or onkeyup events doesn't work at all

Thanks again
Hi I have a text area in which I am using timymce javascript to produce a formatting bar.
Now the problem is that if I try to use other javascripts to limit chars. in the text area, it doesn't work.
So what I was wandering if there is any way in tinymce itself to limit chars. or if somebody faced a similar problem
and found a new solution.

I desperately need help in this so any help will be greatly appreciated .
I have a jsp page where a user can see all their events.

when the user clicks on one of the event, it opens a new page whch shows the event title, start-date, end-date, location, cost and description.
Now what I need a button in this page, which when clicked transfers all the information to outlook.

Please if anyone know of any tutorial or code which can help in this. Also if the user doesn't have microsoft outlook and have any other similar software,
is it possible to import event data to whatever application they are using

Any help will be greatly appreciated
18 years ago
I used the dateadd function to get the last day of the month and it worked

convert(datetime, event_date, 101) <=DATEADD(day, -1, DATEADD(month, 1, CONVERT(DATETIME, CAST(@month AS VARCHAR(2))+'/01/'+CAST(@Year AS VARCHAR(4)), 101)))

Thnaks again guys
hi guys this question is actually about MSSQL but I wasn't sure where to post it

I have a stored procedure in which I need to get all the classes which are taking place in a particular month

for eg

If I pass August 2006
it should get me all the classes which for eg start and end at these dates
class1 from june 2006 - december 2006
class2 from August 2006 - August 2006
class3 from january 2006 - september 2006

All class records have start_date and end_date fields.

I use the query below
CREATE PROCEDURE ccim_getClasses ( @class_id varchar(8), @month varchar (8), @year varchar(8)) AS

FROM classes
where classes.CLASS = @class_id and
convert(datetime, start_date, 101) <= CONVERT(DATETIME, CAST(@month AS VARCHAR(2))+'/31/'+CAST(@Year AS VARCHAR(4)), 101) AND
convert(datetime, end_date, 101) >=CONVERT(DATETIME, CAST(@month AS VARCHAR(2))+'/01/'+CAST(@Year AS VARCHAR(4)), 101)

now the problem is that as i am using

start_date <= month/31/year
all months don't have 31 days
so what I was thinking is to make the date also a variable and assign a value based on month
if january then number_of_days = this
would anyone know how to implement if statement in the query
or if there is a better option

Please if anyone can help me on this. Thanks