Hi Guys
I've a problem. I've to use java.net.HttpURLConnection to programmatically login to some web sites. Now the big problem that I'm facing is that if those websites have some relative URLs in their login pages then when I read that login page's code through HttpURLConnection, those URLs are not recognized and I get an error saying web group not found for those relative URLs. Now I checked out the java.net package, I couldn't find any solution to this, I hope I didn't overlooked anything here. Can you please suggest. Also, not just this, but for lot of web sites where I 've to achieve Single Sign On using WebSphere Portal Credential vault(which just stores user/password information), the loging is not having even though there are no relative URLs, I dont know why, lot of them have some active controls on their login pages, others have multiple screens to take user/password information, I'm trying to find a workaround.
Any help here woul dbe really appreciated. It's been long that I've been trying to find a solution to this.
The following is the code I'm using :
HttpURLConnection connection = getConnectionUsingPassiveObject(request, null, host, proxy, port, path, slotId, protocol);
if (connection != null)
System.out.println("Connected found not null");
System.out.println( "Connected successfully" );
connection.setFollowRedirects( false );
connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects( false );
System.out.println( "connection.getFollowRedirects() : " + connection.getFollowRedirects() );
System.out.println( "connection.getInstanceFollowRedirects() : " + connection.getInstanceFollowRedirects() );
System.out.println( "connection.usingProxy() : " + connection.usingProxy() );
Object content = connection.getContent();
String contentType = connection.getContentType();
FileNameMap fMap = connection.getFileNameMap();
Class class1 = content.getClass();
Field[] fields = class1.getDeclaredFields();
Method[] methods = class1.getDeclaredMethods();
for(int i=0;i<fields.length;i++)
System.out.println("field[" + i +"] : " + fields[i] );
for(int i=0;i<methods.length;i++)
System.out.println("method[" + i + "] : " + methods[i] );
//System.out.println("methods : " + methods );
System.out.println("Content : " + content );
System.out.println("ContentType : " + contentType );
System.out.println("fMap : " + fMap);
String responseMessage = connection.getResponseMessage();
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
System.out.println( " connection.getHeaderFields() : " + connection.getHeaderFields() );
//System.out.println( " connection.getRequestProperties() : " + connection.getRequestProperties() );
//Were we successful?
if (HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK == responseCode)
System.out.println("HttpResponseCode found OK");
result.append("<H4>Successfully connected!</H4>");
System.out.println("HttpResponseCode found not OK");
"<P>Unable to successfully connect to back-end server, HTTP Response Code = "
+ responseCode + ", HTTP Response Message = \""
+ responseMessage + "\"</P>"
response.getWriter().write( result.toString() );
BufferedReader br =new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())
System.out.println( "br : " + br );
String line = null;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
System.out.println( "br.readLine() : " + line );
result.append(line + "\n");
response.getWriter().write( result.toString() );
}//if (connection != null) ends
System.out.println("Connection found null.");
result.append("<h2>Credential not found. Please set it in edit mode!</h2>");
response.getWriter().write( result.toString() );
public static HttpURLConnection getConnectionUsingPassiveObject
PortletRequest portletRequest,
AveryCredVaultDemoPortletSessionBean sessionBean,
String host,
String proxy,
String port,
String path,
String slotID,
String protocol
String userId = null;
String password = null;
HttpURLConnection connection = null;
//getCredential(portletRequest, sessionBean, userid, password);
UserPasswordPassiveCredential cred =
(UserPasswordPassiveCredential) vaultService.getCredential( slotID, "UserPasswordPassive", null, portletRequest );
if ( cred != null )
System.out.println("Credential Slot Found successfully");
char[] charArr = cred.getPassword();
password = "";
for(int i=0; i<charArr.length; i++)
//System.out.println( "char[" + i + "]" + charArr[i] );
password = password + charArr[i];
//System.out.println( "password : " + password );
//password = cred.getPassword() != null ? cred.getPassword().toString() : "";
userId = cred.getUserId();
System.out.println("Credential Slot Couldn't be found");
if ( !"".equals( userId ) )
String userAndPassword = new String( userId.toString() + ":" + password.toString() );
byte[] userAndPasswordBytes = userAndPassword.getBytes();
//System.out.println( "user
assword : " + userAndPassword );
BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
String basicAuth = new String( encoder.encode( userAndPasswordBytes ) );
basicAuth = "Basic " + basicAuth;
//System.out.println( "URL : " + protocol + host + ":" + port + path );
URL url = null;
System.out.println( "PortNo : " + port );
String portStr = "";
if( port != null && !"".equals( port.trim() ) && !"-1".equals( port.trim() ) )
portStr = ":" + port;
System.out.println( "URL : " + protocol + host + portStr + path );
url = new URL( protocol + host + portStr + path );
/*if( proxy != null && !"".equals( proxy.trim() ) && !"null".equals( proxy.trim() ) )
System.out.println( "URL : " + protocol + "," + proxy + "," + Integer.parseInt(port) + "," + host + path );
url = new URL( protocol, proxy, Integer.parseInt(port), host + path );
System.out.println( "URL : " + protocol + host + portStr + path );
url = new URL( protocol + host + portStr + path );
int proxyPortNo = 8080;
// "http://"
/*if( proxy != null && !"".equals( proxy.trim() ) && !"null".equals( proxy.trim() ) )
System.out.println("Opening URL Connection through Proxy");
connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection( new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxy, proxyPortNo) ) );
connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty( "authorization", basicAuth );
catch (Exception e)
return connection;
So, if somebody can comment on this it'll be great help. Also I couldn't find a way to make a URL connection through a proxy, I know that in JDK 5.0 we can do this, by using URL.openConnection(Proxy), but no soln in jdk 1.4, which is the version of our server where I've to do this thing.
So this is another problem.
I tried looking into Apache HttpClient, HttpCore, but no soln yet.