Chetan Raju

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since Aug 02, 2006
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Recent posts by Chetan Raju

Hello All,
Not sure whether this is the right place to post this topic..

I have deployed a servlet on Sun Java System App Server 9.1. The code snippet for the problem area is



I am getting a

com.sun.enterprise.InjectionException: Exception attempting to inject Res-Ref-Env-Property: servlets.GreetingServlet/[email protected]@ resolved as: jndi: servlets.GreetingServlet/myDB@res principal: null@mail: null


I am trying to connect to a MySQL database instance. I have also configured the web.xml for the resource which is a DataSource


myDB myDB javax.sql.DataSource


What could be the problem ? Can anyone help ?

[Formated code - dave]
[ August 07, 2008: Message edited by: David O'Meara ]
Hello All,

I have deployed a servlet on Sun Java System App Server 9.1. The code snippet for the problem area is

I am getting a

I am trying to connect to a MySQL database instance. I have also configured the web.xml for the resource which is a DataSource

What could be the problem ? Can anyone help ?
16 years ago
Seems good. Have decided for SCBCD 1.3 (EJB 2.0) and SCEA 1.4.

Thank You
Thank you all for your wishes.
Now mission SCBCD and SCEA. Looking forward for continued support.


Originally posted by Shivani Chandna:
Got 83%....Oh well didn't score high so was a bit hesitant to share the score ... :roll:

Studied for over two three months - Had no work exp on ejb before starting for it...

Well.. 83% is a great score with no work experience on EJB. Congrats. Even I too do not have any experience of EJB but have a target to clear it in one month time.
Hi All,

I am planning to give SCEA. As per the sun site, currently there is only SCEA for J2EE examination. However, in this forum I could see mention of SCEA for JEE 5 version. Could anyone clarify the same.

Also, before SCEA I am planning to give SCBCD exam. So which version of SCBCD would be relevant for SCEA for J2EE Examination (SCBCD 1.3 or SCBCD 5) ?

Would you like to share your score as well ? Also, how much time did you take for the preparations ?
any suggestions ?
Hi all,

After much thought I have decided on giving SCBCD 5 examination. 1st because I do not have any prior experience working on EJBs so start with the latest and 2nd to keep up with the latest.

But, there is no HF series for EJB 3.0 (SCWCD 5) which is a bit sad
I have zeroed in on three books which seems to be the best found in this forum as well as other sources for EJB 3.0

1. Pro EJB3 Java Persistence API
2. Mastering EJB 3.0 4th Edition
3. OReilly Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 5th Edition

Can you people suggest from your experiences which one of the books is the best to pass the exam with decent score. I have around 2 months preparation time and would not like to refer to many books. One or at the max 2 books.

Hi all,

Can anyone please clarify the difference between SCBCD 1.3 exam and SCBCD 5.0 exam. Both seem to be testing on EJB 3.0.

Hello all,

I have just completed my SCWCD and am planning for SCBCD. I do not have any practical experience on EJBs but have little understanding of the same.

Currently I have a book (bought 2 yrs back) HFEJB for EJB 1.2.

My questions

1. what is the difference between SCBCD 1.3 and SCBCD 5.0 ?
2. How much preparation is required to get a good score (although it depends on person to person, just a general time frame)
3. The book that I have (HFEJB 1.2) whether it is helpful in any way or should I go for a latest book ?
4. where to start up.

The formula does seem to work. Im refering to the HFSJ mock exam which I did a day before my exam and got 68%. So adding 20 will get 88% and I got 89% (ofcourse with some tolerance +/-)
Hello everyone,

Finally, I have cleared the SCWCD 1.4 exam with 89%. Just missed the 90% mark by a question. Still, I am happy and satisfied by my score. Preparation time was around a month (not dedicated).

I did not do well in the category "The Servlet Techonology Model" which I had prepared well and was very confident of doing well. Rest all were ok.

Thanks to Marc Peabodys' notes on design pattens which got me 100% . Also, thanks to all ranchers who have helped me in clearing my queries on the forum.

The only book I refered to was HFSJ. I believe its a fantastic book to get a good understanding of concepts, to pass the exam and also to get a good score.

Also, I did some mocks (although very few) like and Marcus Greens' mock exams.

Thank You.
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