T sandya

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since Aug 03, 2006
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Recent posts by T sandya

Dear Friends,
I have one input text file with size around 800MB, which contains the capital word letters and small letter words. I am reading the text file and capturing all the capital letter words in to vector(obvioiusly size of this vector is big, let us assume 700MB).

now my problem is if i want to remove the dupicates in vector and i need to sort the vector, it is going to delay.. delay.... due to vast size.
it is taking so much time to process. if i try with small file eveything is ok!!!

for example ,if it is successful, i need to write this big size vector into flat file.
but this process is taking so much time to do that.
so please suggest the best way to do my scenario.

thanks in advance.

16 years ago
What is hot skill for JAVA developers?

what about SOA,webservices, BPEL and ESB etc...
16 years ago
I have the idea about webservices.
i want help from you guys about the Jargon - SOA, BPEL, ESB etc...
I took the help of Google, but i am not able to understand properlly.

i am thankful for your help.

16 years ago
Hi friends,
in company, i got the work on PERL.
is any use of PERL in future?
if i work in PERL, is my career will enrich?

17 years ago
hi friends,
here one more thing i need to mention is,
now i can tell the this Apple object, so we can apply InstanceOf on Apple object.

if i dont know it is the Apple object, with which object i need to check the object with instanceOf operator?

thanks in adavance.
17 years ago
Hi Friends,

public class A{

public void findObject(){
Apple a = new Apple();
Apple b = new Apple();

boolean flag = compare(a,b);

public boolean compare(java.lang.Object o1,java.lang.Object o2){


here my question is from findObject() we are calling compare() method with two apple objects.

In compare() method we are declaring the parameters as java.lang.Object 's.

In compare() method how to fine these two objects are Apple objects?

Thanks in adavance.

17 years ago
i am trying to check the data inside the two objects(Jbean1 and Jbean2) are equal or not?

17 years ago
Hi Friends,

I have two javabean objects are i.e Jbean1 and Jbean2.
Again Jbean1 is the wrapper for set of javabeans, just like Jbean2 also.
i.e Jbean1 and Jbean2 each holds the set of javabeans.
Now i want to compare Jbean1 and Jbean2, it should be generic regardless of the bean properteis.
in future properties for the particuler javabean can change.

can anybody help me in this problem?

thanks in advance.

17 years ago
I have one doubt on parsing the java object using the javascript.

below is the scenario:

I have one table like below:

First row is columns and after onwards is the data:

this html table data is created in jsp by reading the vector object.

but i want to know is , when i click the SELECT button i want to get the list of link No's for the selected Name.

already we have the vector object, just we need to write or parse the object using the javascript.

how we can acheive this?
17 years ago
I have one doubt on parsing the java object using the javascript.

below is the scenario:

I have one table like below:

First row is columns and after onwards is the data:

this html table data is created in jsp by reading the vector object.

but i want to know is , when i click the SELECT button i want to get the list of link No's for the selected Name.

already we have the vector object, just we need to write or parse the object using the javascript.

how we can acheive this?
String s1="hello";
String s2="hello";
String s3 = new String("hello");
how many objects will create?
17 years ago
Abstract classes and interfaces are there,
where we can suggest to use one over other.
Scenarios means helpful.

17 years ago
writing in scriptlet is also not wrong right?
why it is not limitation?
if we didn't write java code in jsp , what is the use of jsp then?
17 years ago
so how?
17 years ago
In jsp , in scriptlets if we write any java code that will goes to service method of the servlet.
but if i write one method in scriptlet which will be placed in to service method of the servlet.
that means service is one method , inside of that method one more method right?

how it is possible, method inside method(this concept is not there in java).
17 years ago