N Mukherjee

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since Jun 08, 2000
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Recent posts by N Mukherjee

hello Tamanna,
Congratulations to you.
Don't worry much for the score.
You are SCJP now..
N Mukherjee,SCJP
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
23 years ago
N Mukherjee
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
23 years ago
Hello Nandini,
First of all, my heartiest Congratulations to you!!!
So you are a proud SCJP now.
sorry,I am late but can not resist myself in lengthening this thread:-)
All the very best to you and your career.
N Mukherjee
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
[This message has been edited by N Mukherjee (edited May 25, 2001).]
23 years ago
hello friend,
There are several sites to help you.Maha anna ,marcus green,
Rosseane's site of javachina are some of the bests.
For all the links use google with scjp or sun certification keyword(s).
You can also get the links from my page below.
hope that helps.
N Mukherjee,Sun-certified
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
hello dear Author,
Believe me your book is simply great,great and great!!!
Because of your book only i could become SCJP.
so my 2 cents to you author.
Thanks very much,
N Mukherjee,SCJP
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
hello ashok,
you must have got my mail reply.Also go thro last minutes notes
Velmurugan's notes may be really helpful.
i can tell you exam may be easier than the mocks<some of mocks>
,as there is no vague questions.Clear doubts in overridding,overloading
Do some practice from majji's papers on string,string buffer,
bruce eckeel's OOPs chapters.Do some practice in yr own computer and above all
maha's own discussions will help you.
all the best to you two.
N Mukherjee
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
hello ravindra,
Thanks for the praise,kudos.I will surely try to update
my site on weeekly basis and it will be a treasure for
N Mukherjee,SCJP
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
hello friend,
All the very best for the "Super saturday"
God Bless you,my friend:-)
N Mukherjee,Sun-certified
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
For thread resources you can go through the links/collections
i have given in my page .See at the very top of links.
Hope it may help.
N Mukherjee
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
Hello ranchers,
Good morning to all of you.I recently updated my homepage
which contains maxm possible no of mocks for SCJP.
Just check it out.
All the best to all of you,
Thanks for your time,
N Mukherjee,SCJP
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
My heartiest Congratulations!!!
N Mukherjee, SCJP
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
23 years ago
hello seema,
N Mukherjee,SCJP
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
23 years ago

congratulations on your SCJP title
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
23 years ago
follow the link and you may find "help is click-away"
hope that helps to help you:-)

"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
23 years ago
Special thanks to Neelu for the incredible "98%"
Thanks for mentioning my website/homepage.
N Mukherjee,SCJP
"Knowledge is Power"****************THREAD/SCJP RESOURCES
23 years ago