This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Aiglee Castillo

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since Aug 10, 2006
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Recent posts by Aiglee Castillo

Right now is pretty fast, but I'm only running the java application with one number, and it has to work with a lot more. Right now I'm trying to call the cgi after some processing in the PHP web page, so I haven't test it with more than one request and more processing.
18 years ago
Thank you for trying, I just found out the problems. I'll post the solutions here so anyone else looking for this can find it.

1) My server is a linux server and I was programming in my Windows computer, so I had to convert the files to Unix.
2) The cgi permissions has to be set to 755.
3) And the most important one, and the one that made me post here, was that if you are going to execute a java application in your cgi, you have to add your classpath in the cgi even if you have it right in the server:
18 years ago
Not really, because I can execute those kind of things, the problem is with java because of the JVM, that is why I'm asking here
18 years ago

My situation is this: I have a php web page that has a form; I want the user to fill the form and press submit, so my web application can run a java application with the form inputs as arguments.

I want to run my java application like this: java Messages [arguments]

I read that I have to use CGIs to do this, but I don't know how. Do you know another way? Can you guide me how to do it with CGI?

Changing the java application is not an option

Thank you!
18 years ago
Sorry, the protocol is smpp I need to send a sms to a server (with that IP) and the server should redirect the message to my application, so my application needs to listen in that port for the redirected message to arrive.
Hi everyone!

I need to make a connection with sockets, where I connect with an IP address and port and start to listen for connections, so part of the code I'm using is this:

The problem is that I need to connect to that IP address, using a user and password that was assigned to me, but I don't know how to implement that.

Please! any help will be apreciated

Thank you!
The Hauppauge WINTV has all the characteristics you are looking for, but is terrible in compatibility with other hardware/software. I had one and I installed it in 3 diferent computers, and all of them gave problems immidiatly or after a while.
18 years ago
Hi everyone!

I need to write a little program that reads from file_1 two values per line, and then reads from file_2 if the first value of file_1 is there and replace in file_2 (or write in another file) the new value.

For example


584195497000 454045007058003
584195497001 454045007058045
584195497002 454045007058030
584195497003 454045007058050

New file:
584195497000 454045007058003
584196740100 454045007058045
584195497002 454045007058030
584196740101 454045007058050

Thanks for any help you can give me. I don't need actual code, but the functions or path I should take

18 years ago
I teach programming languagues at the university and I always get some kind of answer if I tell them that any answer is good since any answer can get to the right answer one way or another.

Sometimes I can make the same question but in another way, more innovative so it can get their attention.

18 years ago
I also found that microsoft relates that error number with this: Loading RICHED20.DLL failed. GetLastError() returned: [2].

I read that you can fix it installing this: Windows SDK

Let me know if that helps
18 years ago
I looked for that error in google and I got the same answer in almost every page: W32.Nimda.A@mm virus .

Try to run an antivirus and see if that helps!

Good luck
18 years ago
exactly, would not be garbage collected too?
I just did a practice test of the Whizlabs SCJP 5.0 Exam Simulator and I'm not sure about this question:

How many objects are eligible for garbage collection when the System.gc() method is invoked?

A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) Code does not compile
E) None of the above

It says the answer is A, because the array, but what about the variable i of the loop??

Thanks in advance!!