roon ray

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since Aug 16, 2006
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Recent posts by roon ray

I have a widget on which I am drawing a chart.
I dispose the widget every time I draw a new chart. But the dispose works only for the first time. After that it does go through the dispose , but actually the widget is not disposed.
Thanks for any help.
18 years ago
I solved the problem by using a taglib.
18 years ago
Thanks for your reply.
How would I know there is a database exception as j_secutiy_check action does not differs betwwen database connection problem and wrong password problem.
18 years ago
I'm using JAAS with form based authentication in our application.When a user types in a user name and password I check it with the j_security_action. If the login fails , then I forward to an error_page.jsp.
I display a message saying invalid username and password. But it might be beacuse the database is down. Is there a way to find out that and display the appropriate message to the user ?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
18 years ago
I am setting a session variable in every page depending on if a user clicks a button or not. The pages work fine if I use the navigation button that I have on the designed website as I am setting the session variable in one of the taglibs.
But when I use the forward and back button of the browser, the session variable does not hold the value as the page is loaded from cache.
I tried clearing out the cache using meta tags in JSP but still it appears to me that the pages are not getting loaded as my printlns are not printing anything.
Can someone suggest some other way to handle this. I tried the clearing out of cache but that does not work.
Any help will be highly apperciated.
18 years ago
I am using System.getProperty("user.dir")to get the location of the working dir. My program reads some files based on this location. But when in debug mode , the value returned by System.getProperty("user.dir") is the eclipse location and as such my program is not able to read the location of the files correct. Can anyone tell me a better way to read the location which will not change in debug mode too.
18 years ago
Can anyone suggest a good tool to test eclipse RCP applications?
18 years ago