Med Shabe

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since May 08, 2001
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Recent posts by Med Shabe

I need to navigate through the components using the tab key and also want to perform some kind of computations once the user has pressed the tab key. I can do the calculation but he tab stays in the current field.

I�m not sure how to set the focus to the next available component.

Any help is appreciated.

19 years ago
I have a JMenu class ( and a JTabbedPane class ( that I�m putting into a splitPane (

Clicking on the Go button opens a new tab. I need to invoke the same action from the menu but somehow I�m not making the connection between the components.

Regardless of the ugliness, how can I invoke a method on JTabbedPane from the JMenu, and later from the JToolBar. Apparently, simply instantiating the class does not do the trick.

Appreciate the input.


19 years ago
Just when I thought I understood the differences between the Request and the Session objects, I feel a little confused. The reason I'm staying away from attaching objects to session is that I don't want objects to be hanging around if not needed, before users log out.
So how's ServletContext different from all this then?
This article show how to share objects using ServletContext.
[ September 26, 2003: Message edited by: Med Shabe ]
21 years ago
I am accessing a variable abc via the request object and manipulate the bean for my operation. Now, in an attempt to create a printer-friendly page, I thought I could simply open a link from the first jsp and the request object will carry the vatiable abc with it. Guess NOT.
I am getting a NullPointerException. How else can I achieve this?

Thanks much.
21 years ago
Actually, that's not quiet true. I don't know about support (and don't care much) I just want to run the product on RH9 and you can too.
Just set the value of LD_ASSUME_KERNEL variable to 2.2.5 during installation and run time and you're all set.
Stick this in your .bashrc to be safe:
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
Oh BTW, thanks to developersWork for this hint.
[ August 28, 2003: Message edited by: Med Shabe ]
21 years ago
Wholy moly, I have to send the package back now.
Thnkas for the heads up cb poo.
21 years ago
I have $JAVA_HOME setup and in fact I can run eclipse but not WSAD 5.
I'm getting the following when I try to bring up WSAD on RH9:
JVM terminated. Exit code=11
-cp /opt/IBM/WebSphereStudio/./eclipse/startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main

Any sugestions?
Thanks much.
21 years ago
Thanks Ajith for the reply,
I agree with the first part of your response about reusability topic, however I got hung up on the second part:

... you may want to just wrap it in another SessionBean so that you can make use of container managed transactions and other goodies...

How can I take advantage of container managed transaction if I'm not hitting against the db directly?
Appreciate your support.
I�m dealing with a non-jdbc compliant database on mainframe and cannot utilize Entity beans in my application (I use a middleware for performing transactions between web and the mainframe). Having said that, is there a value in using session beans for handling business logic, or should I just stick to JSP, Servlet model?
Maybe the problem is happening cause

the class is not found and so on!

I believe this tutorial has the answer to your scenario, both for html and wml.
The topic you want is Create multi-purpose Web content with XSLT.
Good luck.
Is there anyway to use document() function of XSL with DOM? Basically I need to merge multiple DOM trees. Snippet would be appreciated.
Thanks much.
Thanks for the pointer.
I checked the document() function and all the samples deal with merging physical files. Any way to merge docs in memory, without saving to file?
Thanks much.