Atul Shinkar

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since Aug 22, 2006
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I would be also interested in knowing the difference between the FileNet and Alfresco as I am presently working on FileNet P8 and FileNet IDM.

Thanks in advance :-)
17 years ago
Hi Rajesh !

Firstly, you can create a war file by using the java utility as follows:
C:\App>jar cvf Example.war *.*
In the above example, the folder 'App' contains the files which you want to include in the war file.

Secondly, follow the steps below to deploy the WAR file in WebLogic 8.1:

(1) Open the Administration Console of WebLogic.
(2) Go to the following:
mydomain->Deployments->Web Application Modules
(3) After that select Configuration tab.
(4) In that click on Deploy a new Web Application Module.
(5) After that click on upload your file(s) to upload your web application archive (WAR) on the Server.
(6) Select the respective WAR file by selecting Browse.
(7) Click on Upload button to upload the file. Your WAR file will be uploaded on Server on the following location:
For WebLogic 8.1 SP1 and SP2: C:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain\myserver\upload
[where myserver: is user defined directory]
(8) Browse the uploaded WAR file from the upload directory mentioned in the locations given.
(9) Select your WAR file from the list.
(10) After that click on Target Module button.
(11) [Optional] You may change the Web application�s name.
(12) Click on Deploy button.
(13) Now your deployed web application appears under the Web Application Module.
(14) Access the application using the following URL:

Hope it helps you Rajesh !!!
18 years ago
Hi Svend!
Can you please elaborate more on the following two points mentioned by you:

4. Decide as Late as Possible
5. Decide as Low as Possible

Thanks :-)
Hello Ikenna
Great result!

18 years ago
Hi Rajesh
I got the dates of only the following Versions of JBoss Application Server:

3.0 [24-Aug-2002]
3.0.2 [07-Sep-2002]
3.0.3 [30-Sep-2002]
3.0.4 [06-Nov-2002]
3.0.5 [05-Feb-2003]
3.0.6 [05-Feb-2003]
3.0.7 [15-Apr-2003]
3.0.8 [29-Jul-2003]

3.2.5 [25-Jun-2004]
3.2.6 [14-Oct-2004]
3.2.7 [28-Jan-2005]
3.2.8 SP1 [2-Mar-2006]

4.0.0 [20-Sept-2004]
4.0.1 SP1 [16-Feb-2005]
4.0.2 [2-May-2005]
4.0.3 SP1 [24-Oct-2005]
4.0.4 [15-May-200]

If I found I'll post the same, ok!

[ October 13, 2006: Message edited by: Atul Shinkar ]
[ October 13, 2006: Message edited by: Atul Shinkar ]
18 years ago
Hi Mark !
Actually the console shows lots Object creation [I don't know why?].
Finally it gets started, but no errors are there.
18 years ago
Good explanation Burkhard!
I want to explain it in simple ways.

Statement1: Demo var;
Demo - class name
var - is the reference variable that refers to the object's start memory location. At this point, the actual object is not created. It will be created in the next statement.

Statement1: var = new Demo();
This statement contains a "new" keyword which actually creates the object in the memory which contains the instance variables & methods [i.e a data structure as mentioned by Burkhard]. The new returns the reference of this object of Demo class, which should be catched in the reference variable of a Demo class only. [Exception to this statement: We can assign the reference of object of subclass to the reference variable of its superclass, but the vice-versa is not possible!]

Hope Depikakasi, this helps
18 years ago

I have just installed the JBoss version 4.0.4.GA by executing the executable jar file & installed it in Program Files directory. I have also set the environment variables to JAVA_HOME & JBOSS_HOME. I haven't changed the default port which is 8080 & stated the JBoss.

Now through browser, i am giving the URL: http://localhost:8080/ & pressed enter. Actually it must show the starting JBoss page, but it doesn't shows anything i.e. page not found error is displayed.

Please help out.
Thanks in advance...
18 years ago
Thanks a lot SIR
The information you provided was really good.
I again want to ask you one more question that does "ExtremePlanner" follows any SDLC Model or it itself is a new SDLC Model?

Atul Shinkar
Hello ALL

Can anybody please tell me the difference between the ExtremePlanner & FileNet's Team Collaboration Manager which was introduced in their new P8 suite.

Thanks in advance for your valuable postings

Atul Shinkar
Hi Ilja, Gagan & Peer
Thanks a lot for sharing your views in this thread. Got a good idea about the topic I posted.
More suggestions and guidance will be wel-comed further.

Hello ALL
Can anybody please tell me that is it necessary for CMM level Companies to adopt Agile Software Development process, or can any Company can implement it? Basically I want to know the relation between these two.

Thanks in advance for your valuable guidance.
Thanks a lot Sir.
I would definately like to read your book.
Hi Rajah Nagur! I would also like to add the benifits & pitfalls of outtasking.

You can be very selective, engaging only those firms with very deep expertise in that area. And because you're not putting all your eggs in one basket, you can move things around, without disrupting the whole outtasking environment. Also the technology is changing very rapidly, and there's a shortage of IT resources. The truth is, no organization can afford to do everything that it would like to do with technology, and if it could, it couldn't act fast enough. Ultimately, you want what-ever resources you can get to be focused where they are going to add the most value to the organization.

Sometimes you don't get service levels you want. Or you run the risk of not having any knowledge base if you abruptly terminate the relationship and need to manage [the outtasked function] yourself. There could also be the perception that the service is too costly. The pendulum keeps swinging back and forth: We can do it better and cheaper if we do it ourselves; then again, we can do it better and cheaper if we pay someone else to do it.

Hope it helps.
