I have two comments regarding IntelliJ support for JSF.
1. Let say I have a backing bean MyBackingBean with action myAction and action listener myActionListener defined accoring to the JSF standard and a JSP page with JSF tags myPage.jsp. When editing myPage.jsp IntelliJ would recognize myAction in #{MyBackingBean.myAction} and when I click on it, it will take me to the source code of the method. However, it doesn't do it for myActionListener.
2. The component dataTable has attribute "var" which represent a row in the table. Almost always the row will be a bean let say person. When using "person" inside the table, for example person.name it will not recognize that the person is really of type Person and hence no code completion or error detection is provided.
[ November 07, 2007: Message edited by: Majid Al-Fifi ]
[ November 07, 2007: Message edited by: Majid Al-Fifi ]