Majid Al-Fifi

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since Aug 22, 2006
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17 years ago
I also thought Throwable is an Interface.

17 years ago
Thanks for all the useful posts you have contributed.

Wish you all the best.

17 years ago
Are you aware you can "inject" one bean into another in faces-config.xml?

you can use helper directly in your jsp if you have defined it faces-config.xml as a managed bean and if helper needs something form another bean then inject that other bean into helper.


17 years ago
serialization is taking an object and storing it in a file so that it can be deserialized later to get it back in another runtime.

persistance refers to storing data of whatever form.

So one may say something like this:

"serilization is one way to provide persistence but it is not practical so better persistence methods must be used"

hope this helps
17 years ago
I don't like WYSIWYG either.

believe it or not, I love IJ because it does't provide it!!!

I have two comments regarding IntelliJ support for JSF.

1. Let say I have a backing bean MyBackingBean with action myAction and action listener myActionListener defined accoring to the JSF standard and a JSP page with JSF tags myPage.jsp. When editing myPage.jsp IntelliJ would recognize myAction in #{MyBackingBean.myAction} and when I click on it, it will take me to the source code of the method. However, it doesn't do it for myActionListener.

2. The component dataTable has attribute "var" which represent a row in the table. Almost always the row will be a bean let say person. When using "person" inside the table, for example it will not recognize that the person is really of type Person and hence no code completion or error detection is provided.



[ November 07, 2007: Message edited by: Majid Al-Fifi ]
[ November 07, 2007: Message edited by: Majid Al-Fifi ]
in view:

in the backing bean:

the important method is getRowData() which will return you the object you were at when you clicked the row but make sure the list values you provide for the dataTable are of type User, say an ArrayList of "User"s.

17 years ago
I have looked at few books and I find JavaServer Faces: The Complete Reference the best of all. Core JavaServer Faces is not yet published but it should be promising because the older version is good one as well.

17 years ago
It seems you want to make your new UI development using JSF but don't want to change the old code. I see it very feasible.

I agree with Joseph that dispatching your request to the JSF servlet should work. I am trying to see what other important things you may need to consider.

What about the relation between your backing beans for the new JSF views and your actions you might have already?
How will you pass information from the UI components to the actions and reflect results of the actions back to the UI?

I really can't see the whole picture but it looks like an interesting journey.

Please let us know how it goes with you.

17 years ago
Also, if you make the dirver in each app you may get Class already loaded error when the container tries to load the dirver class.

17 years ago

In the error page you will not have "code that may cause the exception" rather you may have code that generate useful message to the user about what the problem was.


17 years ago
Congrats Kathy & Bert.

the pics are really great!

I had the thought that foals are born "Head First" just as humans do!


17 years ago
As your Front Controller is similar to Struts there are two books I have seen each with a chapter on how to convert from Struts to JSF if that is an option for you.

1. JavaServer Faces: the complete reference
2. Mastering JavaServer Faces (oreilly)
17 years ago
is there a better way with JSF1.2 ?
17 years ago