Bhaswati Karmakar

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since May 10, 2001
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Recent posts by Bhaswati Karmakar

I am currently working with Cold Fusion 4.5 and Oracle 9i. A new project will be coming in with Java, JSP. I want to get started with Java and eventually get certified. Which certification course do you recommend and how do I get started ?
Thnaks for your response. I am using JDK 1.3
Hi all,
I have a class file in the following package:
import pkgA.p1.pack;
class testPkg {
public static void main (String args[]){
pack test=new pack();
}//end main
}//end class
import pkgA.p1.*;
class testPkg {
public static void main (String args[]){
pack test=new pack();
}//end main
}//end class
(A) compiles successfully, (B) gives compile error " cannot resolve symbol ".
Can you please explain why (B) is giving error ? What is wrong with the import statement ?
Hi all,
Can you please elaborate on this ?
" Interfaces just specify the method prototypes and not implementation. "
[This message has been edited by Bhaswati Karmakar (edited June 28, 2001).]
Thanks Mike. Can you please say :
in the above eg.
which is the curent object and which is the current instance ?
Can anybody please explain, what exactly is 'this' and how it can be used ?
A) abstract class Ghost {
void haunt();
B) abstract class Ghost {
void haunt(){};
What is the difference between A and B ?
Hi all,
Which of these classes can be added to a Frame component.
Select all correct answers.
Ans. b, c, e.
Can you please explain, why not all of them ?
Add the title parmeter to each element of the form. Below is an example of tooltip for textbox and submit button:
<p><input type="text" name="T1" size="20" title="textbox"></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1" title="submit button" ></p>
Hope this helps.
Hi Jayashree,
Whenever I am trying to login in your site, the internet explorer gets into error and shuts down.
23 years ago
Thank to all very much. It helped.
Thanks for the quote.
Just want to ask you, did you read all the chapters of deitel & deitel ? And did you solve all the excercises given at the end of each chapter in this book ?
thanks & good luck.
23 years ago
Thanks to all for your posts.
So to override the method, should it have the same return type, same list of arguments with same data type as the parent method ?
Could you please clarify ?
Sodiambakkam !
Could you please clarify the word 'signature'? Other than name, what else does it include.
I have a text eg. "Test". When I bring the mouse over it, I want to display "Test Now".
How can I do this? I would like to use onMouseOver and not HTML's tool tip.
The code below does not select any radio button.
<p><input type="radio" value="V1" name="R1">Yes</p>
<p><input type="radio" value="V2" name="R1">No</p>
But the code below selects the 'Yes' radio button because the checked parameter has been added to the 'Yes'.
<p><input type="radio" value="V1" name="R1" checked>Yes</p>
<p><input type="radio" value="V2" name="R1">No</p>
So if you do not add the 'checked' to any of the radio buttons, none of them will be selected when the form loads.