Hi All,
Today I cleared SCEA1 with 87%.
I'm a silent observer of this forum. Thanks a lot to Javaranch for this wonderful forum, I had gained lot of valuable information about the exam.
Here is a list of books and resources which I referred for the exam
UML Distilled by Martin Fowler(Excellent stuff for UML)
Enterprise Java Beans(2nd Edition) by Richard Monson-Haefel
SCEA study guide by Mark Cade - Good book, but does not cover all the exam objectives
Head First Design Pattern by Elisabeth. Freeman, Kathy. Sierra (Excellent stuff for Design Patterns)
Online Resources
JMS concepts -
http://java.sun.com/products/jms/tutorial/1_3_1-fcs/doc/jms_tutorialTOC.html First two chapters of the tutorial are enough for exam.
http://dn.codegear.com/article/31863 http://www.leocrawford.org.uk/work/jcea/part1/index.html - Good amount of information on Legacy connectivity, Common Architecture, protocols, Applicability of J2EE.
[Val: removed link due to copyright violations].If you try to practice the questions as a whole you may not be benefitted. Make a local copy, split them by objective wise and practice the questions after reading each objective. This will help you to revise your weak areas on the objectives.
http://www.moelholm.com/data/mocks/mocks_scea.xml - Little tough than the real exam.
I prepared for a month , averaging 2hrs a day, read the EJB book by richard monson twice since i did not have any hands-on experience on ejb.Do not go beyond the exam objectives. Have copy of the exam
objectives whenever you study for the exam.I did not use any paid mock tests available in the market.
I felt that the time given for taking the exam(75min) was not enough. Some of the questions were tough to understand, but do not hurry to answer. I did not get any EJB version specific questions.
Thanks again for Javaranch and Best of Luck for all the guys who are going to take the exam.
[ February 02, 2007: Message edited by: Valentin Crettaz ]