Ludmila Snova

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since Aug 31, 2006
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Recent posts by Ludmila Snova

Hi All,

We have a very strange issue. All the time when we have a change that affects only one or two classes in our application we do a manual deploy. Basically, we copy the compiled classes into WebSphere deployment directory and restart the server. We never had any issues before. Last week we did the same thing for one class, lets say A. However, after we restarted the server, we didn't see a change. Checked the time stamp of the file, size, permissions - everything looked good. We removed the file, and restarted the server. The server didn't start complaining that it could not find the class A. Copied file again, restarted. Still - no change... Old information is show on the site. Restarted WAS with Verbose class loading enabled. Checked the path from there the file is loaded - it's correct. Not really sure what is going on. Have anybody had something similar ?

I really appreciate any help or suggestions!
13 years ago
When I retrieved the bean from the session I used the attribute name. I've changed it to form name and everything works perfectly now.

Thanks a lot for your help!
15 years ago
I've done some additional testing. And notice, that validation is not triggered then I have attribute="docForm" in the action tag:

When I've removed that attribute, validation is executed properly. But I need it, in order to retrieve bean from a session in the code... Is there any other way to identify form bean?
15 years ago
Yes. After restart it still skips validation. Is that possible that I am missing some additional parameters for a session scope?
15 years ago
I use initial.

Then, in the action class, I print them out, and they came out blank.
15 years ago
Thank you for response. Unfortunately, it did not help. The initial values have been assigned to blanks.And, it looks like the validation is not triggered at all. It goes further to the action class, instead of going to the error page.
15 years ago
Hi All,

I have a web app that uses STRUTS(1.1). For some reason when I changed the scope in the action tag from request to session my validation stopped working.
It looks like it's ignored.

I expect validation to pass with URL:
And fail with URL:
But it does not fail...

Any ideas?

Here is my struts-config.xml:

And validation.xml:

15 years ago

I am migrating java 1.4 application to 5.0 and I have a question. In our application we have a class SomeCollection that extends Vector. And that SomeCollection used everythere in the app to store different types of object.
As I understand correctly, with Java 5.0 vector should be parameterized. Is there any way to make it general? So I don't need to change every line in app? Or the only way to get rid of SomeCollection and use parameterized vector instead?

This is what I have now:

I tried this:

But it gives a compile error.

[ November 18, 2008: Message edited by: Ludmila Snova ]
16 years ago

We are migrating from WAS5.1 to WAS 6.1 and I have some questions. The J2EE level of our application is 1.2. I am wondering how critical it is if we leave it at the same level. I also would like to know does WAS 6.1 support J2EE 1.2. If it supports that level, could you please give me some points why it is better to change to J2EE 1.3? Personally, I�d prefer to keep our application more up to date, but I need to persuade my manager to do that. So far, I was not able to find any information on that topic.

17 years ago
Thanks, Bear.
So, you are saying that there is not much difference between writing UI of web application in AJAX or in let�s say in plain JSP. Is that right?
Hi All,

I think it�s a right place to ask general questions about AJAX. Currently we have VB6 client � server application. The application is login-based application and deals with money. As VB6 will be out of support soon, our manager is talking about rewriting the application to web using AJAX. I don�t have any experience with AJAX, but I have some with JS. And it�s not good. So I am wondering will it be appropriate to write client part of secure application that deals with money in AJAX? Is there any security issues? How about browser compatibility? How stable AJAX now and what future does it have?
[ September 24, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Well, I have topic below�

Basically, it�s if a pop up window already open, the focus() function gives an error and the content of the window is not reloaded.

Is there any other way to set up focus on the window besides using window.focus() function.
I have some problem with it.

I have a web application where user can click a link and PDF file is loaded in a popup window. Users, who have Adobe 6 installed does not have any issues if they did not close popup window and click another link. The new PDF file simply reloads in the same popup window. However, after upgrading Adobe to version 7 or higher, users have to close popup window, before clicking the link to open PDF file. If popup window is open and the link is clicked, the JavaScript error is given:
Member not found �.

After investigation, I found that if I comment out the window.focus() function in my JS, it works fine, no error is given. But, the popup window is not activated, so user does not see it.
So, I am trying to understand there the actual problem is: in the Adobe plug-in for IE or in the browser, or somewhere else and how can I fix it.

If somebody has any clue, please help. Any help is appreciated.

This is JS I am using:

[ September 05, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
Hi All,

We are running a stress test for a web application. And, after a 4 hours of heavy load the app server (WAS) crushes with OutOfMemory error.
The following piece is from GC log:

It looks like there are a lot of soft references to the sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor class and GC cannot properly clean it. But we don�t use soft references directly.
I am just wondering why this class is used and by whom?

17 years ago