Originally posted by A. Dusi:
I am little confused here. This link says that I cannot queue new messages in invoke application phase. And I have experienced the same; the messages were ignored when I add them in the action methods. Hence I always thought that a backing bean validator method is the best place for all the validation logic. Could you please elaborate on when a message is queued in this phase, should it be displayed if the same page is rerendered? What is the purpose of adding it in this phase?
Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by Sergey Smirnov:
As best I know, JSF does not specify any public API to access to the config files even for read. So, there is no way to manipulate with it programmatically. However, you can do something that is defined in the config file using other API. For example:
* you have no way to add/delete or modify navigation rules
* you can register custom View Handler, validators, converters and so on
Actually, willing to have direct access to config file, especially to navigation rules is very common for people who have experience with Struts previously.
P.S. I speak about default implementation. JSF is very extendable framework. For example, you can create your own view handler and manage navigation based on your own configuration.
Originally posted by Ram Gokul:
There was a thread in this forum some time back by developer who went from Struts to JSF and was having lot of performance issues because of the way compoenets are rendering .
To the authors , is the design of JSF such that components that are rendered on the client are downloaded page by page and hence pose a Performance problem . Has the authors faced any such issue ?
Originally posted by Merrill Higginson:
I'm a relative newbie to JSF. I understand how to link actions with methods in backing beans, but there's one thing I don't understand: Where is the best place to put code that has to execute before a page is displayed?
For example, suppose a page has a select control with a list of options that must be populated before the page is displayed. I understand that I could store this List in the property of a session scoped bean and bind the bean property to the control. But where should I put the code to populate the list? Should it go in the constructor of the session-scoped bean? Is there a "page about to be rendered" event that I can bind a method to?
[ September 12, 2006: Message edited by: Merrill Higginson ]
Originally posted by Tony Keith:
Sounds like a book I'm after!
How deep we should know Servlet, JSP, Tag Lib? haven't used much them in my job.