Dave Vick

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since May 10, 2001
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Recent posts by Dave Vick

You'll most likely get better replys in the JDBC forum, so I'm moving this there.
You'll most likely get better replys in the JDBC forum, so I'm moving this there.
20 years ago
Check out the servlets and JSP section of the bunkhouse for a great selection of books on servlets and JSPs.
20 years ago
Welcome to the Java Ranch, we hope you�ll enjoy visiting as a regular however,
your name is not in keeping with our naming policy here at the ranch. Please change your display name to an appropriate name as shown in the policy.
Thanks again and we hope to see you around the ranch!!
20 years ago
First it would help if you used the code tags to format your code, it makes it more readable. Also, if you're going to post a lot of code and then mention line numbers you should highlight or somehow mark those lines so we can tell what the lines in question are.
Fred is right, you need a semi colon on the line indicated.
Also, it lloks like, in this line:
for (int all = 1; all<distanceMatrix.length; ++all)
you declare a variable 'all'. that variable will be local to the block it is declared in and not visible outside of the block. In this case the for statement has no braces so the statement executed within the for loop would be the very next line. In any code after that line the variable 'all' would not be visible. So, in the line:
checkDistanceVal = distanceMatrix[i][all];/*This will hold the final value ie, the value with the smallest distance.*/
It can't see the variable. IF it needs to then declare all before the for statement so it local to the method instead of the for statement.
Hope that helps
20 years ago
Welcome to the Java Ranch, we hope you�ll enjoy visiting as a regular however,
your name is not in keeping with our naming policy here at the ranch. Please change your display name to an appropriate name as shown in the policy.
Thanks again and we hope to see you around the ranch!!
Why would you want to work through a sie that can't even follow simple directions as to where and where not to post this type of message?
Moving this to blatant advertising....
20 years ago
Your terminology is a little off...
Box b1 = new Box(); You are creating a new object of type Box and the variable b1 holds a reference to it (points to it).
Box b2 = b1; the variable b2 now refers to the same Box object as b1
b1= null; All this is doing is setting the variable b1 to null, it has no effect on the object b1 refered to. Think of it this way, when you set a variable equal (=) to an object like you did in the first line the variable gets a reference when you set it to null you are just replacing the reference with null, so b1 now references 'null' or nothing. The original object still exists and is still referenced by the value held in b2.
Even if there was no b2, setting b1 to ull would not effect the object it references except to make it eligible for garbage collection, the object would still exist but you'd have no way of getting a reference to it.
hope that helped out
20 years ago
Welcome to the Java Ranch, we hope you�ll enjoy visiting as a regular however, your name is not in keeping with our naming policy here at the ranch. Please change your display name to an appropriate name as shown in the policy.
Thanks again and we hope to see you around the ranch!!
What exactly was the syntax error?
21 years ago
It sounds like the plugin is for eclipse 2.1.1. You can check the plugin homepage for an updated one for 3.0 or use the older version of Eclipse. 3.0 technically isn't released yet and a lot of other plugins dont run it yet either, they are probably waiting for a release version.
Firstly, can you edit your post and use the UBB code tags so that the code you posted is more readable.
Second, what is wrong with your program? does it compile? Does it run at all and just give you the wrong results. It looks like your class extends another class and calls methods in that one, depending on what is wrong with your code they may or may not be relevant. Let us know exactly hat is wrong and then we can go from there.
the only thing I see that might be a problem in your code is in this line:
"( PID, PATRON_KEY) " + "VALUES " + "(" + sPID + ", '" + patronKey + "')");
It looks like your missing a + after the " at the end of the 1st line, although that might have happened when you posted the code and might not be an issue in your program. Otherwise it looks ok, you might want to try doing it with out turning off auto commit and see if that makes a difference.
Not sure I understand your question but the 3.0 M5 release of eclipse is the 5th milestone release of the eclipse IDE. The milestones generally contain bug fixes and other minor changes that don't rate a complete version change.
For a list of the changes/updates in this build check out the M5 notes page at the eclipse site.
hope that answers your question