Chad McGowan

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since May 10, 2001
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Recent posts by Chad McGowan

Yes, this is possible. You can use the portlet request dispatcher to forward to a jsp or a servlet.
18 years ago
Thanks, I was able to at least install the war, although I haven't figured out how to actually deploy/install the portlets on a page. BEA WLS is much more complicated than any other portal server I've used. The concept of Books and Pages within books is confusing; I don't see any clear way to quickly deploy and install third-party portlets.
18 years ago
I've got a jsr-168 war file that I'm testing out on different portal servers. For Jetspeed, you just drop the war file into the /deploy directory. For IBM Websphere Portal, you use the install portlet tool, where you just specify the war file location.

But I've not figured out how to deploy these to WebLogic Portal Server (v9.2 or 8.1). I've read through a ton of documentation on BEA's site, but haven't had any luck. Does anyone know how to deploy jsr-168 war files to BEA WPS?
18 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to use Apache Digester to populate an object from an xml document. I want to have two Strings in the object, title and html. I am using the bean setter to do this. Using the example below, I get the correct title, but the html ends after "This is some example text". Is there a way to tell Digester to ignore the html tags within the document? This document is coming from an external source, so I cannot edit it.

James, You are right; for some reason I was reading WEB-INF/lib and thinking /lib under the EAR project.
19 years ago
You can use WsJdbcUtil.getNativeConnection() to get the AS400 class.
19 years ago
I also have a thread that accesses a database. What is the recommended way for threads to do this with J2EE 1.4?
19 years ago
In WSAD, after you add the jar to WEB-INF/lib, you also need to right-click on the project, select Properties, then select Java JAR dependencies. Check to make sure the jar you need is checked and in the manifest.
19 years ago
Not quite sure what you mean, but there are some good examples on the apache site - here
19 years ago
If using a framework like struts is not an option, you could create a HashMap that would map action parameter keys and Action classes/and or jsps. That would get rid of your long if/else statements that you have now.
20 years ago
You may want to use request.getQueryString(), if you want to see the whole request string. This will return a String with everything after the ? in your url....
[ July 08, 2004: Message edited by: Chad McGowan ]
20 years ago
Someone call Dateline, 48 Hours, and 60 Minutes !
20 years ago

Originally posted by Robin Davies:
For your information a CMM Level 5 comany ........
Increase Customer Satisfaction
Faster Product Delivery
Reduced Costs
Improve Productivity
Improve Quality
Allow more accurate and predictable schedules
Increase Employee Morale
Increase ROI
[ EJFH: Personal attack deleted ]
[ February 20, 2004: Message edited by: Ernest Friedman-Hill ]

Rolling on floor laughing Never used the CMM have you??
Many times moving to CMM does just the opposite.
CMM is just a process. I have worked for a CMM level 4 company and I have worked for companies that never heard of CMM. Guess what? The quality of software was actually better at some of the non CMM companies.
Delivery schedules we're certainly faster using non CMM processes.
20 years ago
Chances are, these recruiters are all trying to fill the same position.
Just because a recruiter thinks that you may be qualified doesn't mean that the hiring company will concur. However, it never hurts to interview and find out yourself, as long as you feel somewhat confident that you have what it takes.
20 years ago
There are a few ways. I would suggest looking at the java.util.Calendar, java.util.Date, and java.text.SimpleDateFormat classes and see which looks like it best meets your need.
21 years ago