Chai Chamsai

Ranch Hand
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since Sep 04, 2006
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Recent posts by Chai Chamsai

Does it cover all 3 parts of SCEA5.0 test or just part1? if it cover all 3 parts then I'd like to know about part 2&3 of lab provide. Does it have only suggestion right?

thank you
Somebody talk me Tapestry 5 clean and easy more than version 4 then i need to know How?
I liked Apress Pro Spring.
"Head first EJB" is best book for scbcd 1.3
if in scbcd5.0 i think "enterprise javabean 3.0" is good book
I still waiting for HF EJB3.0

have a hope
Congrats Wendy

to Sherif

i passed SCWCD exam last week and i found 80 questions instead of 69 questions.