Originally posted by Helen Thomas:
I think it's what you are currently sporting aka a goatee.
Originally posted by Arjun Shastry:
By the way, anybody from Visakhapatanam ?Some companies are trying to relocate there .
I heard its a good town to live.I think,Navy has some center there.
Originally posted by Arjun Shastry:
Diwali celebrates Rama's homecoming,his return to Ayodhya after the defeat of Ravana.Starting of New Hindu Year.Planning starts after Dassera,another festival 18 days before Diwali.Generally here is the sequence:
1)After Dasera,see the Hindu calendar and check when is Diwali.
2)If it comes on Friday or Monday then apply for 1 day vacation,If its not on Friday or Monday,calculate accordingly.
3)Purchase new clothes.
4)Purshase crackers/fireworks for kids.
5)If elders are there in family,be good with them 1 month in advance so that they will help you in making some traditional sweets.Otherwise purchase from market.
6)Clean you house with the help of kids.
7)Purchase lanterns(aakash kandil)/oil lamps.
8)Identify the people to whom you will be giving sweets as gifts.If you want,then you need to give!
9)Ask kids to purshase some Diwali greeting cards which you will be sending to many people(relatives,govt. officers,politicians,friends)
10)On the first day of Diwali,get up at 4 or 4:30 AM.
11) Apply paste of gram flour and fragramt powder to your body.
12)Have a bath.
13)Suggest everybody to go through steps 10/11/12.
14)Get ready to listen ,deafening sounds of crackers played by other people.
15)Join them.
16)Come back home and eat the sweets and other things.(Don't forget to wear those newly purchased clothes)
17)Exchange sweets with neighbours.How soever may be their quality,you must say sweets made by others taste great.
18)Call your relatives which you forgot to send greeting cards.and even if they are 1000 KMs away,request them to come to your house for eating sweets.
19)Now identify the people which are good for your business/job etc.You must courier these gifts in advance to people staying in another town.Go to thoese useful people and give them those gift with big smile on your face.Depending on the relationship,you may also recieve some gift in return.
Diwali goes for 3 days.Step 19 runs for 3days.All above steps should be executed on day 1.
Some other rancher will write steps for day2 and day3 here as Diwali comes closer.
Originally posted by Jesse Torres:
What is RI?
Originally posted by shankar vembu:
Let me try.
1. No dead races(one winner) = n!
2. 2 winners = nc2*(n-2)!
We have nc2 ways to choose 2 winners. The rest (n-2) can be arranged in (n-2)!
So on and so forth.
Total = nc1*(n-1)! + nc2*(n-2)! + nc3*(n-3)! + ....+ ncn(n-n)!
Notes: First term = n! is essentially point# 1 stated above.
Last term = 1 = all horses are winners
Is this OK?
[ October 25, 2004: Message edited by: shankar vembu ]
Originally posted by Arjun Shastry:
Is there any similarity between this and factorization of a number.?
Say number is 24.Factors are 2,2,2,3.Number of ways in which 24 can be factored are
Originally posted by K Varun:
Removing Tedulkar from Indian cricket team is as stupid as removing Tedulkar from Indian cricket team (did u got this line? )
Originally posted by Chandra Sekhar:
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde
Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the
olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in
the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it
wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter
by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought
slpeling was ipmorantt!
Any Comments
Originally posted by Maxim Katcharov:
so if abcd = efgh, F is within ijkl, and it's simple from there, otherwise try for:
abcd > efgh
abef vs cdTT
>7)If abef weighs more again,counterfeit is between a and b.
>8)If abef weighs less,counterfeit is between c and d.
>9)If abef weighs same as cdkl,counterfeit is between g and h.
I've heard that there are a number of distinct ways to do this. This is the second I've seen.