Rohit Prasad

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since Sep 05, 2006
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Recent posts by Rohit Prasad

How can I detect in my Action when user clicked refresh button from browser?

Thanks for any help.

16 years ago
I am using logic:iterator tag and want to set two attributes length and offset by the value I get from session. I use useBean to get the value from the session. My question is: Once I get the values from session how to supply teses values to the iterator tag?

Thanks for your help/
16 years ago
This is how my JSP page looks like:

<% Expenses expensesBean = (Expenses)session.getAttribute("expensesBean"); %>

<logic:iterate id="expense" indexId="ind" name="expensesBean" property="myExpense">
Amount: <html:text name="expense" property="amount"/>
Location: <html:text name="expense" property="location"/>

Here is my Expenses Class:

Here is my expense class:

How should I write my Form that can capture the Expenses object containing updated expense? Please let me know if I am not clear in my question.

16 years ago
Thank you Mathias !! It worked.
16 years ago

In my form , besides "submit " button that calls action, I plan to have links that will pop up a window with some data. I would like to call action that will populate the data in this pop up window.

Is it possible to this? If yes, could someone explain me or point me to the article / book I can read.


16 years ago
Hello All,

Here is a very basic question and I will appreciate if someone explain me this basic concept:

When user press "Back" or "Forward" button from the browser, does that mean user is sending "GET" request to the server?

I am using struts and my action servlet displays jsp page (contains form with method="POST") and when I clicks next it goes to another action and to the another page and so on. But when I click "Back" Button, this action does not invoke my Action again. Why? What happens in this case?

Thanks for all your help.


If I bound any object to request object in Action Servlet, it will be available to the forwarded JSP page but once I move from that JSP page to another Action Servlet I can't get that object from request scope.

Could someone please tell me why this happens and how to get the object from Request in another Action Servlet when Object was bound in previous Action Servlet?

I can use session object but problem is that I have to make sure the the objects are unbind from session when there is no use for them. Some one previously talked about having Session Manager that will monitor the session and unbind the object from the session when user is in use case when object is not needed. Is anyone using this kind of mechanism?


17 years ago
I am working on website where user will have his own calendar where they can see the calendar, update their schedule / meetings and most important have some one approve or disapprove the events.

Basically it will have common functionality as any other calendar like MS outlook or google calendar. Is there any information available about how to design this type of component (from database to java code)? Any information will be helpful in this regard.

I am considering using JSF.
17 years ago
I am trying to run this code :

Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

javax.naming.InitialContext ctx = new javax.naming.InitialContext(env);
NamingEnumeration enum = ctx.list("");

But getting the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/WsnOptimizedNaming/NamingContextOperations
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(
at wizard.test.MyTest.main(
Exception in thread "main"

Am I missing anything. Working on WSAD 5.1.2


Rohit Prasad
17 years ago
Thanks Jeanne for your response. I do not plan to write my own connection pooling package. Currently I am working with WSAD that comes with WS 5.1 Test environment. If I use connection pooling provided by WS and down the road decided to move to another App Server say Apache, do I need to write the code again to use Apache Connection pooling?

What is the difference between using app server connection pooling vs. external package?


I am writing a small application using struts. I plan to use Data Access Object (DAO) pattern for my Model. I am connfused if I should use application server specific conection pooling or some external packages. If I use app server specific than how much code I need to re write if I move to another app server? I know it depends on how I design the code - Is there any place where I can read more about it? What about using external packages? any opensource available for free?

Thanks in advance for everyones help.

Rohit Prasad