George Willy K

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since Sep 06, 2006
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Cade's book as a starter is good, but that is not enough. In IMO, Mock exams are not close to the real one (like other certifications), but that helps you to realize where you are weak. Once you reach 80-85% in mock exams, you are ready for the real exams. I was around 80-85 in mock exams and got 87% in part 1.
Are you talking about DB design matching the Class structure?
In my opinion, segment repeating in the DB for each seat is not a good idea. In class design you can have a collection holding the seat reference and DB has a seperate table with seats and their segment Ids. This is what how I was thinking.
I feel your thought about route is valid. Route can relate origin and destination either through direct flight or through connecting flights. There should be an admin module which can create the flights/routs etc? Any thought?
Any thought about how to create a new flight schedule? If FBN is introducing new flights, how to add them to the application? Do we need to include an admin module to handle master data? Do we include them in the class diagram?