Divya Gehlot

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since Sep 10, 2006
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Recent posts by Divya Gehlot

Can any one suggest me any links,source book which covers "Write a MapReduce job to implement a HiveQL statement." of CCD-410.
Thanks in advance.
10 years ago
Can any one help me providing cloudera hadoop certification questions or revision notes.
Thanks in advance.

11 years ago
Has any given Cloudera Hadoop developer certification CCD-410 recently.
I want to whats new in new version of certification exam.
Haddop: The definitive guide is enough for attempt for exam.

11 years ago
I want to appear for websphere process server certification for version 7.0
May I seek for the guidance from the forum members.

I am java developer from 5.6 years. Now I need to switch my career to project management.am I eligible for it? I need to know more about PMP certification like how to start and proceed towards it.

Divya Gehlot
Can any one help how can we implement XML encryption(X.509 certificate) in java client using Websphere Integration developer 6.1.
I tried implimenting XML encryption in SOAP messsages following these steps XML encryption

but couldnt succeed as it is not encrypting my messages
I am following only XML encryption steps in my application(I have one java client(dynamic web project) and one web service and my java client is calling that web service)
I am neither getting any error not its encrypting my messages
Can any one help me is there anything else I need to configure in the Webpshere Process server 6.1.
Please help me

Thanks in advance
Can any one help how can we implement XML encryption(X.509 certificate) in java client using Websphere Integration developer 6.1.
I tried implimenting XML encryption in SOAP messsages following these steps XML encryption

but couldnt succeed as it is not encrypting my messages
I am following only XML encryption steps in my application(I have one java client(dynamic web project) and one web service and my java client is calling that web service)
I am neither getting any error not its encrypting my messages
Can any one help me is there anything else I need to configure in the Webpshere Process server 6.1.
Please help me

Thanks in advance
16 years ago
I need to send a file(as an SOAP Attachment) from client to server using websphere integration developer 6.1.
As Webepshere Integration Developer doesnot support SOAP 1.2 yet.
Is there any other way to do it.
Please help me by providing tutorial for WebSphere Integration developer 6.1 or steps to do that.
Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
I need to send a file(as an SOAP Attchment) from client to server using websphere integration developer.
Cn Any one help me in this.
By providing tutorial for WebSphere Integration developer or steps to do that.
Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for helping me.
16 years ago
Hi Amit,
16 years ago
Today I have cleared SCDJWS exam with 94%(not a bad score right )
Though I didnt have real time experience I did it .
Thanks to Peer Reynders for his help in the begining of my preparation.
I want to thank all java ranchers who helped me in undertstanding the things better and clearing my doubts.
TechTracer and javaranch forum helped me in starting the preparation.
I started with XYZWS material and which helped me in undertstanding what is what.
Then I switch to RMH for more clear picture.
Actually things was like ocean but I got some pearls with the help of javaranch divers.
Some more materials which I referred for my preparation:
java blue print(3,4,8)(lack of time).
MZ(Mikalai Zaiken) notes
sun J2EE documentation
Sun J2SE documentation
then started with some mock exams.
Materials for Last minute:
http://www.mydeveloperconnection.com/html/WebServices.htm(for SCDJWS exam cram ,SCDJWS points in tabular format,
useful code snippets)

Didnt get time to for real time practice .
but will do it now .
One again thanks to one and all who helped me in making one of my dream true.
[ May 04, 2008: Message edited by: Divya Gehlot ]
16 years ago
Thanks for the explaination.
But in whizlabs they have given some other explaination
whizlabs Explaination:
The goal of this question to test your ability to recognize how JAXR handles mandatory and non-mandatory properties while creating JAXR connections to UDDI registeries.In other words,the "javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL"
must always be specifed and must map to a valid query manager URI of a UDDI registry.Moreover only "javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL" property is mandatory while "javax.xml.registry.lifeCycleManagerURL" property is not.However if later is not specified it must resolve the to the URL mapped to the "javax.xml.registry.queryManagerURL" property i.e."http://java.sun.com/uddi/inquiry".

So I got confused with that.
Can any one explain me what they want to say.
thanks cheenu
When I get time I will go through EJB books