Freddy Wong

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since Sep 11, 2006
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Recent posts by Freddy Wong

Thanks Ernest, I guess that explains why my code doesn't work and thanks Stephan for the code. It's a much nicer code that mine
14 years ago
Suppose that I'm trying to create a binary file created in Java to be read by a C program. Below is the code.

On my PC, it printed like this

unsigned byte=12
unsigned short=53760
unsigned int=4

which is incorrect.

Similarly I'm trying to create a binary file created in C to be read by a Java program. Below is the code.

On my PC, it printed like this

unsigned byte=12
unsigned short=10619
unsigned int=13763584

which again is incorrect.

Any pointers what might go wrong here?

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago
On my Linux, Courier (IMAP) and Postfix (SMTP) work very well for my development.
14 years ago
Wow. What a long thread I see a lot of C# bashing here as expected in a Java forum If you look at C# as a language more objectively, the language itself has evolved into a much better language, e.g. closures, delegate, properties, LINQ, etc. whereas Java as a language has pretty much stagnant.
14 years ago

BTW, is there a command line way to check such a thing automatically?

I wrote a simple Groovy script for that and blogged about it here.
14 years ago
Your code works fine for me.
14 years ago
You can't edit the generated source code manually. You can only use the visual tool within NetBeans itself to generate the source code for you.
If you're looking for Swing GUI builder, you're better off using NetBeans (Mattisse) rather than Eclipse since those Eclipse plugins aren't as good as the NetBeans one. MyEclipse has Mattise, BTW.

Nonetheless, my advice is not to use any GUI builder whenever possible. It'll generate boilerplate code that will make your life difficult at later stage.
Hmmm.. that's weird java.util.Date should be taking it from the operating system date.
14 years ago
Linux certifications, such as RCHA or RHCE, LPI, CompTia Linux+ or CISSP for security.
I encoutered similar issue last time. Although, MouseEvent has count property, the SWT.MouseDown event is always called first before the SWT.MouseDoubleClick. So the workaround is to wait till the SWT.MouseDoubleClick has been fired, then check the flag which event was fired. The code is something like below.

14 years ago
Well, let's just hope the rumors are true
14 years ago

It's really a sad news My favorite features of JDK 7 are invokedynamic and Jigsaw. I hope that Oracle can concentrate more on the JVM rather than the Java language itself so that other JVM-based languages can benefit from it.
14 years ago

I am very new to linux and I've heard that the automatic updates, screws up the system sometimes. Is this true?

So far I've never experienced anything like that, but the possibility is always there regardless of which OS that you use. But when you upgrade from one version to another version, it is very likely that some of the applications/drivers may no longer work. I experienced this myself when I upgraded the older Ubuntu (can't remember which version) to a newer one. The sound didn't work. At the end I decided to do a clean install and it solved the problem.
14 years ago