Sultan Khadar

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since Sep 12, 2006
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Recent posts by Sultan Khadar

Thanks John ,
I could see the javadoc now.
Hi ,
I am using Eclipse 3.4.2 and Spring 2.0. Framework through Spring IDE.
I am unable to view Spring Documentaion in eclipse.
For example if i want to see the documentation of org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller class, on clicking on Controller, i am getting the following exception.

Note: This element neither has attached source nor attached Javadoc and hence no Javadoc could be found.

Please let me know how to configure eclipse to view spring documentation.
Hi David,
This is a practice assignment for MVC design , where we were told not to use Any popular design techniques and frameworks.
William, thanks for your post. I will trim the property value and test the application.
15 years ago
Hi Bibeault,

Eclipse IDE is not identifying XMLHttpRequest and showing the error

Xmlhttp request is not resolved to a type

Do i need to add any libraries to fix the above issue?
Please suggest.

Hi All,
I am also getting the same error. I am learning AJAX and using Eclipse 3.4.2. The Code where i am getting the error is ..
Please help in fixing the above error.
Thanks in advance.
I am getting the Class Not Found Exception when i tried to load a particular class based on the property value.Please find the details.
At line 3 of I am gettting

Class Not Found Exception.

I have included /WEB-INF/classes directory in the classpath but unable to resolve the problem.
But if I modify the code as mentioned below and instead of supplying the property value to the class loader, give the class name manually, then the code is working fine
Please suggest me in understanding the above problem.
Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
Welcome Markus Stäuble & Sven Lüppken to Java Ranch.
Since springframework is becoming very popular and essential skill to all java developers, I hope your book will provide a simple and easy way to learn Spring.

Good Luck.

15 years ago

is there any way to load the properties file only once in a web application at the startup
and use through out the application?

For example if is the properties file and if we want to load it
at the startup of the application and can made it available throughout the application without
reloading the file.

Please suggest.
15 years ago
Yes Jain.. it is possible.. see the below code snippet
Hi All,

I am using DOM parser to read and write XML data.
Whenever data is modified, the save() method from the Bean class is called by the handler class, to save the modified data.
It is working fine for the first time. But from the second time onwards, it is giving the following exceptio.

Please find the details below.
Exception details
Please let me know what might be causing to throw the above exception.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi All,

I am new to Drools and looking for some good tutorials to learn Drools.

I couldn't find any tutorials for beginers.

Please help me in this regard.

Thanks in advance for your help.

15 years ago
Khalid Mughal and Rolf Rasmussen's Book for Java 5 is a very useful guide to not only clear the exam but also for getting a hands on experience on java 5.0 new topics. The book is self explanatory with good practice questions.

This is a very good book for the aspirants who wish to clear the test.

Congrats Sachin
15 years ago
Congrats Sayyed.... it is a very good score even though you prepared only for 3 weeks
15 years ago
Congrats Putrevu.... what next?
15 years ago