chintan ramavat

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since Sep 15, 2006
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Recent posts by chintan ramavat

Hello All,

I would like to know about the JAVASCRIPT CACHING. Is there any efficient way to use Javascript caching, I have not come across any ,IF there are, or is, how to use it or by any other means of coding style, can anybody explain ? may be a dumb question

Thanks in advance and waiting for different suggestion / opinions

Thanks Steven I appreciate this
Hi Steve,

many congratulations on your success upon SCJWS, and also for the information you provided , well i am an absolute beginner to the web services i have done SCJP and some basic knowledge of EJB i want to know even very basic about web services from installing tools and even running simple programs. it might sound very basic but that's kind of level i am planning to start to the SCJWS certification.

any help/suggestion would be greatly appreciated


Hello friends ,

interesting question to all experts out there, I have one drop down and when user clicks i need to get data using ajax with java classes. but how to load data using ajax and place that using specific format.

the structure is using Ajax, JSON and JAvascript

- any help is much appreciated
- thanks
hi Jeanne

Yes the format is gonna be the same the only thing which will be changed is the tag value that's all, which is pretty much obvious since it's for testing purpose. i would appreciate if you suggest anything in this regard.

thanks jeanne
17 years ago
hello friends,

does anybody have idea for creating XML files in BATCH like 100 files or 200 files for testing purpose.

17 years ago
Hi Eric,

nope, I want to display the result, once you click on the expand button '+', you will be able to see the other row already being processed by the struts..

so in nutshell when i must be able to display the result of the struts (which is a row from the table) as i received the click(expand) from the GUI.

i hope its somewhat better ?? any idea

Hello friends,

I was just wondering if anybody have idea for doing Expand/collapse using JavaScript, and at the core we are using Struts action class that is responsible for rendering the result back..


Bascially I am using JSON to display Data, now I want to add capability of update perticular row. so sort of Grid structure. well any idea would be great. how do i access perticular row using JSONObject.

Thanks Bear


I am just wondering if anybody know how to play around with parameters in JSON Object. Well basically there's a request parameters formed with JSON object now as they get updated i want to get them, since they are updated, how do i do that using JSON object

Hi Shalini,

I am also looking for the same solution but thing is in my case Server is the one from which my flow will be handling XML and using in EJB, so if you have found something easily adoptable please give your inputs.


Hi Paul,

Thank you very much for your suggestion, Well here I am trying to use FIXML messages and I want to use it in my session bean plus want to store it in database. do you have any clue with that. what i might need as you said for validation of FIXML or in my flow?

Thank you once again
Hello friends

Can anyone have idea for converting FIX messages to XML


Hey Nileesha, congratulations on your success, I am planning to take this test, I am done with SCJP, so any tips that you felt would have worked. Well I am planning to start up with HFSJ, any tips while going through the book ? or any points or material you thought left unexplored ??

- again many congratulations,

Can you share your experience, from study material and practice tests and all
17 years ago