Scott Stanlick

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since Jun 11, 2000
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Recent posts by Scott Stanlick

What is a JDataControlWindow?
24 years ago
Since Swing is not thread safe, all requests to have code executed against Swing components must go single file through this queue/thread.
24 years ago
I have a JPanel on a JScrollPane, and I would like the ScrollPane to automatically adjust as the user tabs up/down to a component that is not visible in the JViewPort. Is this easily done?
24 years ago
When you have a container with a number of child components, how can the container detect if the focus that was on one of the child components moved to a component outside the container. The container does not have to know which of the components inside the container lost the focus and which component outside the container got the focus, allthough it would be nice. The important thing is that the container knows about the focus shift from inside to outside. We would like to do this without every single component outside and inside the container sending messages to the container.
24 years ago
I would like to take advantage of the icons provided in Sun's rt.jar. Can I access these Icon directly from this jar?
24 years ago
My app is an Application! It is accesed via the main method to an MDI style JFrame. Are you suggesting I could use the Timer object on the MDI Frame? Does this Frame detect activity being performed within one of its JInternalFrames? How could this work?
24 years ago
Is there a way to perform a "timeout" on an application in Java? I would like to log a user out if the application has not detected any traffic in (n) minutes.
24 years ago
Is there any way to query and/or set the CapsLock key from Java?
24 years ago