Paul Clapham wrote:I have no idea how to tell Eclipse to redirect to use a particular file (even though I've been using Eclipse for years now). But you could change the program to read from the file directly instead of -- that's what I would have done in the first place unless I was sure the people I was teaching had already had some training in using the command line.
Junilu Lacar wrote:
phi tran wrote:Mis-spelled is misspelled XD.
Stephan van Hulst wrote:I don't think the CardLayout is appropriate in this case. CardLayouts are for different layouts in the same component. This is the same layout, but different data.
sampada shukla wrote:
why the output is false true.when in both string and Integer comparison we are comparing object reference to the value?
Craig Cantell wrote:
Junilu Lacar wrote:Welcome to the Ranch!
We encourage students to do their own homework. If you're working in Eclipse, why don't you just run the program and see for yourself?
I want to independently do my homework but I don't understand how to evaluate it mentally or by hand, we have tests and we cannot run the text through the program. I just need someone to explain the process to me please.