Muhammad Shafique

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since Sep 30, 2006
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Recent posts by Muhammad Shafique

Hi Ulf,
Thanks for your reply. Thats seems the only possible platform dependent solution available.
Hi There,
I am writing a simple client-server application using Java sockets where client creates socket connection by passing server address and server listening port. The server may be busy/over-loaded during the communication cycle because of serving many clients as the same time. To off-load the burden, I need to move some of connected clients to some other server. One why to do this is to let client know the address of some under-loaded server so that client could establish a new connection by itself. However, the requirement is that the server should not let client (or any proxy running at client side) know about this migration. This is just like moving server side socket connection to some other machine without letting client know this. Any help is appreciated!

This problem has been discussed for a number of times. You don't need more than two fields on your SEARCH GUI. You should bring/select all data if both fields are empty (null). As far as future enhancement is concerned think about a separate search GUI, it may be helpful. GUI design should be flexible enough to accommodate those changes easily. Book radio button no your MAIN GUI is an extra field. If customer id field is empty it means record is available for sale/book otherwise not. Simplicity saves a lot of time in SCJD and it does NOT heart your grade, for sure!


Hi George,

You specification says:

For GUI requirement, it states that
"It must allow the user to search the data for all records, or for records where the name and/or location fields exactly match values specified by the user.
Your user interface should be designed with the expectation of future functionality enhancements, and it should establish a framework that will support this with minimal disruption to the users when this occurs."

It does mention at least Name and Location searching criteria must be included in GUI. But, it leaves out other possible searching criteria (Number of staff, Hourly charge, Customer ID).

For the DB interface requirement, the following search method must be implemented,
// Returns an array of record numbers that match the specified
// criteria. Field n in the database file is described by
// criteria[n]. A null value in criteria[n] matches any field
// value. A non-null value in criteria[n] matches any field
// value that begins with criteria[n]. (For example, "Fred"
// matches "Fred" or "Freddy".)
public long[] findByCriteria(String[] criteria);

This problem has been discussed for a number of times. You don't need more than two fields on your GUI. You should bring/select all data if both fields are empty (null). As far as future enhancement is concerned think about a separate search GUI, it may be helpful. GUI design should be flexible enough to accommodate those changes easily. Book radio button no your GUI is an extra field. If customer id field is empty it means record is available for sale/book otherwise not. Simplicity saves a lot of time in SCJD and it does heart your grade, for sure!


What if data is updated immediately after you get it from server?
The better way could be:
-Get user changes.
-Lock record
-Compare server data with pre-updated data on your GUI.
-If there is no change, update on server.
-If server data is different than your copy of pre-updated data, update GUI with server data and prompt user to enter his/her data again.

This seems a good approach to me.

If the record length is fixed then field/attribute termination with null does make sense since we shouldn't add characters after the null (not even spaces). There is no concept of null after null.

I had similar text and simply ignored it!
I padded leading zeros, "42" in my case "00000042"

Hi Bob,
I had same requirement in my assignment. It's better to stick to the requirement. If client crash handling is not required, there is no need to implement it. If a record is already locked, next requesting thread should wait until it is notified.

Thanks all of you,

Congratulations that is a very good score, full marks on the locking and everything. Any idea why you may have lost 10 points no the server part?

I followed the traditional 3-tier architecture approach. The main reason of loosing points could be the choices.txt. I could not spend proper time on this part because of other professional responsibilities. English is not my first language. Sometime I had to spend a lot of time to study and update all documents after introducing even a small change. Server is an important component and I realize that it was not properly elaborated in choices.txt. It could be the main reason of loosing points in this part. Also, choices.txt is the main reference in the essay exam for you and for the evaluator.

17 years ago
Hi Ranchers,

Here are the details:

General Con: 100 88
Documentation: 70 70
OOD: 30 30
GUI: 40 27
Locking: 80 80
Data Store: 40 40
Network Server: 40 30

Total: 400 365

When I finished essay exam on 24th of April, I was formally informed that result shall be available from 2-4 weeks on ( site. The result status on this site is still "Pending". Yesterday, I checked ( link and found my result there. NO FURTHER COMMENTS!

I appreciate help by all ranchers!! . A BIG thanks to all of you.

17 years ago
Hi Mark,


28 weeks is too long! Why did you have to wait that much?

17 years ago
Congratulations Mark!

This is great news.
It is really painful when you have to suffer because of something illegitimate. It was not expected from icon like Sun.

Wish you all the best!!

17 years ago
Hi Oscar,
SCJD and SCWCD are two different things (tech. and design & programming). It depends upon someone's capability to finish SCJD in 20 hours or 120 hours. My experience with SCJD is that it's a time taking task. If you are using SCWCD related technologies at your work then it should be quite easy for you.

Good luck!

Same thing happened to me but I was given rights to upload my assignment after sending email to [email protected]
It should not be a problem in your case too.

1. Are we to access the file from the Java code, using RandomAccessFile APIs as has been discussed in the forum?

RandomAccessFile is recommended.

2. What application is suggested for viewing the file?

It's better to write an application/routine by following the schema.

How to differentiate between the various records in the database file? Is it something I have to device? Or is there any thumb rule that I need to know?

Each record in data file should have eaqual length. You can use record number as unique "identifier" to distinguish records. This may not be a part of schema.
