Juhi Gupta

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since Oct 04, 2006
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Recent posts by Juhi Gupta

Originally posted by Life Today:
Hi ,

I am new to this forum .Can anyone tell me if there are freelance jobs available


If you are new then you may not be well aware of the naming policy of the Ranch. You need to change your name actually to real name. .. Is there any problem while login with real name
[ November 15, 2006: Message edited by: Juhi Gupta ]
18 years ago

Originally posted by Abdul Rehman:
A lot of thanks to all of you for guiding me!!!

I just wanted to ask another thing that will I be allowed to take a calculator into the cubicle where I will take the exam? If no, can we use Windows' calculator application or will we have to do all the calculations manually?

I don't think so that calculations will be so lengthy, that you may need to use Calculator.

And other calculations will be more likely Bitwise operators. So that you need to do manually, there is no calculator for that type of operations.

Originally posted by yugan akkaldevi:

I am working on swings.

will you please suggest me to create a Date TextField, which should have the following properties:

1) The text field should look like --/--/----(MM/DD/YYYY).

2) When i enter a digit in the first placeholder of MM, and if that digit
is more than 1 then that placeholder should be filled with 0 (zero).
what I mean is if we enter a digit in any placeholder and if that
digit is invalid for that placeholder then that placeholder should be
defaultly filled with zero.

I request you to please give the solution as early as possible and i eagarly wait for your reply.

Yugandhar Akkaldevi

Well this is not a homework solving forum....

First you show us till now where have you been got stucked.

Then only we can advice you.. what to do....

best of luck for your try
18 years ago
I would like to add one more..

Great Translator

18 years ago

Originally posted by Ram kovis:
Must Read for Every Man and of course Woman (to understand man)
If a female is reading this article then just realize the value of a man; and if its a male then feel proud of after reading it!
That's our story, and we're sticking to it! - "WE ARE HONORABLE MEN!!!"

Right Ms. Kovis.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Jayesh Lalwani:
Question: Has anyone bought a ticket from India to US from the US? Did you buy it from India or from the US? Which is better?

My parents are planning to come here to visit me in March, and they have to buy ticket before going for the visa. Looks like my lazy brother is going to wait till the last moment. I want to know if I can search from here, and will I get good prices from the US.

I am happy even if I can just find the prices online, even if I can't buy online. I can always tell my broter to go buy the ticket for me. He is too lazy to search

Question for Desis

are you ownself not a Desi
18 years ago

Originally posted by francis joby:
Dear Sir,

How to count duplicate entries in an ArrayList or Vector.

Regards joby

Infact you can check by this simple program if there is any duplicate entries in Vector etc..

Hope it helps.....

Or if you want to count duplicate entries, then you may use of Iterator.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Edwin Dalorzo:
Use the java.util.Collections.frequency() method.


I haven't found this method in this class..

Is this is not is JDK 1.4

You must be talking about JDK 1.5
18 years ago
Hi I am in Banglore. Basically belongs to Indore (M.P)
18 years ago

Originally posted by fred rosenberger:

indeed. i'm moving this thread.


You got late. this thread is already there...

Junior Java Programmer position in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
18 years ago

Thankx for giving the good links of Books.

This thread, keeps me energetic. Nice to see this thread.
18 years ago
Hi I just want to tell you Hi.

I am very much new to this forum..
[ October 04, 2006: Message edited by: Juhi Gupta ]
18 years ago