(Please excuse me and point me to the right forum, if this is not appropriate, but I couldn't find an "architectural" discussion other than the certification forum; and this seemed to be somewhat related to performance)...
I'd like to find (or create) a set of architectural guidelines to right size J2EE systems.
Inputs would be items like # of users, # concurrent users, estimated trans/second, database size, OLTP or OLAP type systems, and more. Then based on these come up with a architecture to meet these requirements.
IE, based on the inputs we might generalize, that the system would fall into one of these categories:
1) Small
2) Medium
3) Large
4) X-Large
Then each category would have it's own recommended base configuration of hardware/software. Example "Small" might be less than 100 users, and less than 10 concurrent users, data base size of 100 MB. In this case, we could get away with one server, running Application Server, Database Server, HTTP Server sofware.
And on the other extreme, considering #4, we might have 100's of grid-clustered computers, each running appropriate software to meet these need with Load balancers, and clustered database servers in the backend.
I'd like to know some real-life #'s (like supported request per second (RPS), db transactions per second (TPS), with different hardware/software configurations that people have actual expereience with.
In otherwords, if folks could help me with info like I have 2 clustered JBOSS servers, running on Sun XYZ Hardware/Software, with squid caching servers, and 3 load balancers, and it currently handles 100 RPS with an Oracle backend.
I'd be interested in the sales pitches too, ei. Weblogic claims they can handle 1000 RPS on XYZ platform, or Some databaes like Oracle 10g or Sybase can handle 100's of SQL TPS for single server, or in a 2 way cluster handle 1,000-10,000 SQL TPS (just estimating here).
I realize that there are literally 1000's of software/considerations, but I am trying to get a "ball-park" sense of this.
Please help, if you can, and if you'd like to see the results of this inquiry, email me at joel at rhinosystemsinc dot com.