Joel Thompson

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since Oct 04, 2006
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Recent posts by Joel Thompson

I was reading somewhere that w/ kerberos certificates you can pass these from the issuer (say website and inspect them on website for single-signon approach. Also, what would be the approach to integrate with Windows networking, so that if they signed on to the windows domain a kerberos certificate would be created and then presented to the 2nd website and SSO would work too (I'm guessing only via IE, unless there are some plugins available for chrome for this.) I'm hoping to discuss some details with cookies and or transports to understand this type of solution.

I'm looking for an architectural answer and real software that can do this. I'm using Weblogic Server (OHS for webserver) and I'd be interested in discussions with Jboss and Apache too.

Does your book cover this SSO type topic?

10 years ago

Can you comment on the <video> tag in these areas:
1) supported players
2) youtube videos
3) cross platform support - windows, linux, + IOS (specifically this one too) - what is the reality these days?
4) performance - what if have more than one video tag, or hide/show layers w/ video tags in them & pause the playing... is there still a performance problem?
+ noticed that running videos the performance of the screen is degraded - any tips on this? We'd like to show a video while animated data is being pushed to
screen real-time (websocket and webworkers..etc), yet there are only 5-10 of these types of updates. I'd like to pin-point where performance problems occur
and as such can you recommend any tools to identify?
5) does your book cover video tag and how to control video thru javascript?

Hi I'd like to know if you'd recommend the POSIX libraries for threads/concurrency..etc. and is it detailed in your book on how to use them?
I heard there are performance issues on WINDOWS. Can you comment on that from your own experience?
Any good posix impl's to avoid performance/concurrency issues?
13 years ago
Does your book cover running Stored Procedures vis-a-vi JPA (no hibernate dependencies), especially with Oracle?
Using hibernate as persistence impl, I solved this problem by declaring the 2nd one-to-many as a Set, and FetchType.LAZY, and then I created a query with "left join". When I needed to load the LAZY set, I just called the query. Also, notice that when you loop through the returned results, you are getting the cartesian product, thus, you get "many" of the one entities returned.
Hi Herbert,
Currently we have an applet, and we introduced the following code to scale an image:
22: ToolkitImage ti = (ToolkitImage)getImage( url, name );

123: Image i = ti.getScaledInstance( ti.getWidth()*2, ti.getHeight()*2,0);

We are now getting: access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission accessClassInPackage.sun.awt.image)

at Source)

I understand fundamentally, that we have a permission problem in the sandbox (JRE running in the browser), and as a solution 1) we can modify the java.policy file to add permissions to execute this code; or perhaps solution 2) is to "sign" the applet. 3) Other solution?

Question to you is, what do you think the best approach would be for us and the least hassle for the public who would be using our applet; and do you have a cook book example of "signing" applets. One other consideration would be that we don't want to pay a bunch of $ to verisign for Cert Authority, if that is needed for signing (not sure)... Perhaps you can comment on that too.

17 years ago

(Please excuse me and point me to the right forum, if this is not appropriate, but I couldn't find an "architectural" discussion other than the certification forum; and this seemed to be somewhat related to performance)...

I'd like to find (or create) a set of architectural guidelines to right size J2EE systems.

Inputs would be items like # of users, # concurrent users, estimated trans/second, database size, OLTP or OLAP type systems, and more. Then based on these come up with a architecture to meet these requirements.

IE, based on the inputs we might generalize, that the system would fall into one of these categories:
1) Small
2) Medium
3) Large
4) X-Large

Then each category would have it's own recommended base configuration of hardware/software. Example "Small" might be less than 100 users, and less than 10 concurrent users, data base size of 100 MB. In this case, we could get away with one server, running Application Server, Database Server, HTTP Server sofware.

And on the other extreme, considering #4, we might have 100's of grid-clustered computers, each running appropriate software to meet these need with Load balancers, and clustered database servers in the backend.

I'd like to know some real-life #'s (like supported request per second (RPS), db transactions per second (TPS), with different hardware/software configurations that people have actual expereience with.

In otherwords, if folks could help me with info like I have 2 clustered JBOSS servers, running on Sun XYZ Hardware/Software, with squid caching servers, and 3 load balancers, and it currently handles 100 RPS with an Oracle backend.

I'd be interested in the sales pitches too, ei. Weblogic claims they can handle 1000 RPS on XYZ platform, or Some databaes like Oracle 10g or Sybase can handle 100's of SQL TPS for single server, or in a 2 way cluster handle 1,000-10,000 SQL TPS (just estimating here).

I realize that there are literally 1000's of software/considerations, but I am trying to get a "ball-park" sense of this.

Please help, if you can, and if you'd like to see the results of this inquiry, email me at joel at rhinosystemsinc dot com.

18 years ago
I found the solution from trial and error.
18 years ago
I'm not the original poster, but my problem and I suspect his was solved by putting the proper <web-app> attributes in place.
18 years ago
My understanding is:
When you webserver starts up - that's the parent thread
and each http request is serviced by it's own thread,
children of the parent.
18 years ago
One other aspect of this problem that might be worth discussing (at least for me)...

I originally thought that thru some Context w/ my JSP, I could get access to the top-level container, as you can with page,session,application..etc. Yet this doesn't seem possible. Apparently there is no way to the top-level thread of your webserver, other than this way of configuration/deployment which is container specific.

18 years ago
Apparently OC4J has a shared applib directory where you're supposed to put your shared jar files:
Once I put it there, things worked.
The JDeveloper deployment tool doesn't seem to want to take care of this least as far as I can tell.

However, I thought by it being in the top-level of the EAR file that it would get picked up... guess not.


18 years ago
got it working in Tomcat by placing the library into the shared directory, and removing it from my webapps/WEB-INF/classes and/or lib directory; and deploying individual war files to the webapps dir.
(Thanks Ben and Bear...)

Now, I am trying to get OC4J working.

I created an ear with the following structure (x8.ear)

The X8_jar.jar file has my singleton class in it, that both webappX8 and
webappXB will be using. At this point I am getting unresolved classes..:

cannot find symbol symbol : class UserSingleton location: class _scriplet1appB UserSingleton us=UserSingleton.getInstance();

When invoking either page (/X8/scriplet1app.jsp & /X8B/scriplet1appB.jsp)

Any thoughts on this? Thanks for your help!

[ October 11, 2006: Message edited by: Joel Thompson ]
[ October 11, 2006: Message edited by: Joel Thompson ]
18 years ago
Stefan - yes, I do detect the sarcasm... and that's ok...(the old RTFM).

However, I'd like to point out something that I have observed (I am new to javaranch...mind you, so bare with me, as I am not accustum to such good talent answering questions on the forum as moderators/sheriff..etc. which is an outstanding concept!).

FAQ's are helpful, yet even the FAQ in this case doesn't address the cause and affect of the original problem; and folks would be more inclined to "search" the forum (I'd suspect) than to look at the FAQ right away. You see, the FAQ doesn't state that if you don't put the right <web-app...>, you'll get unexpected behaviour like only the expression and not the values showing up.

Just my two cents.

Thanks again for your help.

18 years ago
Hi Bear,

Hopefully pointing out something useful for folks with the web.xml. (As I just ran into this problem recently and was rather frustrating).

I did notice that if you didn't have anything specified in
the <web-app>, then you'd get the behavior that was originally posted, ie the el expressions don't evaluate. No values show up.

It is critical to have something like:

<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.4">

Depending on the version that you are using. Best to check out the "samples" that usually come with the container to see the exact spec on this.

18 years ago