Alim Atar

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since Oct 06, 2006
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Recent posts by Alim Atar

Hello Ranchers,

Today I cleared part 1 exam with 82%.
This forum helped me lot during preparation and to get right notes, links, books etc.
Hey one observation , I appeared exam at VUE center , I didnt saw results per section in report instead they listed weak areas in report.

I used study material which is mostly mentioned in forum. I am not in hurry to complete part 2,3

Thanks lot guys.
13 years ago
Hello Ranchers,

Thank you for sharing your opinions.

With this below formula, its clearly indicates correct answer is Reliability.

Reliability = Correctness + Availability + Responsiveness(performance)

Yes, its true that more availability doesn't means more reliability, but here in question the scenario is different.
Let me put exact question from whizlab simulator.

Q:- ABC company has added 5 extra web server to their existing sales solution. This will have increased ______________(select three)


I have selected 1,5 and 7. But 7 is wrong from whizlab point of view.Correct answer is 6 and not 7.

Explanation given is:-
Availability and reliability tightly linked.Availability means having resources required to service all requests.Reliability is increased when solution is not over stressed(When solution is in good availability).The extra web server means sales solution should perform better.
This was whizlab question and answer explanation.

Now I got one more question in mind based on above,
If existing solution is reliable (ensures the integrity and consistency ) and then if we add extra web server to existing reliable solution then do we increase reliability of solution?

I got one line from Mark Cade's book "Redundancy can increase performance, reliability, availability,..."

Please share your views.

Hello Ranchers,

Thanks for your answers,

I was thinking about same scalability but i found answer is reliability in WHIZLAB simulator.

Ajay ,
Yes, disaster recovery techniques like hot back, cold back and warm back are tightly coupled with availability. NFR availability and reliability are tightly coupled.

As availability increases reliability also increases automatically as they are tightly coupled.

Horizontal scaling increases availability. Availability increases reliability automatically.So should we conclude that reliability is more accurate choice than scalability for horizontal scaling ?
Hello Ranchers,

I have a query , which NFR of application is increased more by means of horizontal scaling (for instance adding addition web server) and WHY so ??
1)Reliability OR 2)Scalability

Hi Ivan,
Thanks for your answers,
Q1 and Q3 -was very much crystal clear to me.
I was doubt about Q2 (because i don't hands-on though i am SCBCD1.5 certified )but now its also clear to me with your answer

Hi Andrew ,
Thank you for putting question back and for Marshaling posts nicely to keep forums reputation.

I just split question 2 in two questions,

Question 2:- All session beans needs to have business interface?-->I think answer is true from usage point of view but from coding point of view is this mandatory to have business interface ?

Question 3:- All MDB needs to have business interface?-->answer is false
Is this true?
Question1 :- A JAX-WS client can access a web service that is not running on java platform and contrariwise?

Question 2:- All session beans and MDB needs to have business interface?-->for this question answer is false, but my question is , in real bean projects in which scenario we need such kind of session beans without business interfaces?

Any highlights appreciated


Thanks lot of sharing your experience, its helpful:)
14 years ago

14 years ago

Now whats next plan after SCEA?

14 years ago
Thanks lot Peter for your nice answers.
14 years ago
Thanks lot for your answers, i aggree with you Tim.
I know it was littile bit silly question but i asked more over curiosity point of view.
In fact i verfied it with javap utility and found that it uses fully-qualfied classname and number of instruction statements are same with and without package.

Tim Holloway wrote:Considering that a typical java app these days may end up referencing resources from a thousand different classes in dozens of different packages and that the entire core packageset is organized by function, not by frequency of use, it really wouldn't make sense for most classloaders to parse out package names and look up classes on that basis. More so when you realize that entries in a ZIP (JAR) file aren't actually physically organized by "directory", just stored with the item's pathname + attributes + contents.

So in short, I think you'll find most classloaders simple use the fully-qualfied classname (package+class) as a hash key, making the actual package name completely immaterial as far as retrieval speed goes.

But, in any event, listen to what Bill says. It can be a real bugger to macro-optimize a system that has been prematurely micro-optimized.

14 years ago

Just a basic question about package, except modularity(making beautiful code) and security is there any impact of packaging on performace?
I mean in terms loading class etc whatever way is there any impact on performance interms of cpu consumtion,memory / byte code size(i mean number of instruction statements of class),total execution time of code?

14 years ago