Bauke Scholtz

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since Oct 08, 2006
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Recent posts by Bauke Scholtz

It is just intented to execute a batch in the DB? Or don't you understand what a batch concerns?
Either the relative URL is plain wrong, or the url-pattern of the servlet mapping is plain wrong.

What is the absolute (full http://) URL with which you can call this servlet independently? What is the absolute URL of the current page with the form pointing to the servlet? Once you have the answer on both, you could easily extract the relative URL to the servlet from the absolute URL of the page. Use this relative URL in the page's form then.
15 years ago
Do not execute them in batch then, but one by one.
Use it in the HEAD request.

Carefully read this article for explanation (not only the code, but also the text):
15 years ago
Those are just compilation errors. Your code syntax/logic is plain wrong. Please use 'Java in general (beginners)' for compilation errors.
15 years ago
The error message is fairly self-explaining. You're trying to do something which is not allowed due to security restrictions.

A SSCCE would help a lot, along with a detailed explanation of the functional requirement.
As said before, one can still grab the content by just disabling JS, or exploring the browser cache, or taking a screenshot.

Useless and rude. You should never try to change the client's environment/behaviour. Disabling the back button falls in the same story.
Create a bean class which represents one row (one Country).
Then create/collect multiple instances of that bean together in a List.
In JSP you can use c:forEach to iterate over that List.
15 years ago
The key is that you need to set the content-disposition response header to "attachment".
15 years ago

amit kumar goyal wrote:Thankyou everybody for the replies....

I cannot set the target=_blank because it is not a link but its a button to generate the xml. The button submits the request to a servlet which generates the xml. I have set the content type as application/xml and content disposition as attachment for the response headers. But when I open the file from the dialog box it opens the file in the same browser window. I want to open it in a pop up.

You can still use target="_blank" for this. Set it in the <form>.
15 years ago
One can install a sniffer in the network between the both machines and read all sent/received bytes. In for example a proxy, firewall, router or even your own machine. SSL encrypts those bytes before sending and decrypts them before reading.
15 years ago
Did you also read the responses on this topic?
15 years ago
Use HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect().
15 years ago
At work? No one I can really remember.

But there's one which I never forgot which occurred during my freelance jobs. I offer PC hardware and software repairs as well. Since the emigration I took all my material from Europe to the Caribean. Here 110V electricity is common, but I've added 220V to my house as well. So, when receiving one of the first PCs for repair, I took my 220V power cord, plugged it in at both sides and turned the PC on .. Kaboom! Pzzzz!! Smoke!!! Aarghh ..
15 years ago
Easiest way is to code down a plain vanilla HTML form with an action URL pointing to the JSP in question.

That said and looking at the code snippet, why you mixing scriptlets with JSF? Just use EL the usual way. Omit scriptlets. They indicate in all circumstances a bad practice.
15 years ago