Mag Yeoh

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since Oct 08, 2006
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Recent posts by Mag Yeoh

For my current website, My customer can login to edit their detail or check the point there have in their account.
So i wish to create an android application for my customer to login using the smart phone. This will make customer early can login in and check the account point.
Any ideal on how to create an android application for this case?
10 years ago
I am doing research on android dev. I have some question here.
For example:
1. I have my own website that user can login to check their own detail. If i wan to develop an android application for this login page, what is the way? Can anyone help?
2. Because website already done. Now we wan to convert the website to Android application. How is the way to access the website server?

Thanks for your help.
10 years ago

I need to use [a-zA-Z]* only can read. Another issue i hit is , if my String is 'Programing Lang' , also cannot check for all is alphabet.

How to add in checking for space in the String and concat all together like 'ProgramingLang' , this use to check for all is alphabet.
13 years ago

any one can help me on this error...i need to check String is all contain alphabet.
can i use this to check

Thanks in advance.
13 years ago

How to get httpClient statusCode for time out?

Can anyone help....Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
Thanks Rob Prime and D. Ogranos.....I get use to it already...

thanks very much
15 years ago

Hi need help.

need to replace the $custId and $BirthDate after retrieve the value from db. use replaceAll only can replace one time.

When return the str, it have nothing change in the str. The value i wan it replace the $custId with Customer Id and $BirthDate with Birthday Date.

Can anyone give idea. Thanks.
15 years ago
i have a question here is i have XML file and XSLT file....i need to display the information using HTML....

Can any one give me a simple example for this isssue?

i wanna compare 2 BigDecimal to do it....

BigDecimal minX;
BigDecimal maxX;
BigDecimal dsr;

operation is like below.....
(minimumX < dsr <= MaximumX)


warmest regard
17 years ago
hi..Bear Bibeault ...this is what the code that people ask me to run....
i running this code and get the version.....

Bear Bibeault, i really dont know how to check...because i already ask a lot of people and friends...

Warmest regard
18 years ago
hi...i have a problem for the date....i have 2 listbox that is display all the date.....i can choose the date between....for example i want to display the data from 22/11/06 to 30/11/ the calender or date method can use to compare this two date....because i only want the date from 22 to 20....

can i use the calender or date method to do the comparison between

have any example for me...Thanks..

Warmest regards
18 years ago
Thanks Saif uddin .....

i get it already....i using 2.4 jsp....

18 years ago
Anyway thanks all of you....i already ask my friends...i they also dont know what jsp version we are using....

anyway thanks ..... i solve this problem already.....

Thanks a lot.....
18 years ago
Sorry because this is my first time write a programm for my final year project of studying degree. This project i using 3 type of language. I doing a my final year project in a company.They request me using db4o ask database, java and jsp as webapplication. So i using eclipse3.0. I doing all the project using eclispe.

Warmest regards,
18 years ago
then i think should be list box....
i think code is <select><option></option></select> the code like this....sorry i dont know what this code call....

18 years ago