Harris Steve

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since Oct 09, 2006
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Recent posts by Harris Steve

Hi ,

I have got a job in Java/J2EE with usign WebObjects i.e. the EAI job.

Could you please let me know what is the future of WebObjects and WebServices . Shall I go ahead in takign this job
17 years ago
Hi guys,

I need a very urgent help from you .

I have 2 job options currently , out of which I have to choose 1:

1) Working in J2EE technology. Don't have the clear job profile but it will be on J2EE technologies like JSP,Struts,EJB.

2) Working on Java/J2EE technology with WebMethods i.e. the EAI Job profile.

The package of both are almost same so I have to pick considering only the job profile.

So, I request ranchers to please advice me how to make a decision.I am considering the following points to take a decision

1) What I think is that Ill be on safer side if Ill choose the common J2EE technologies like JSP,Struts etc , however whatever little knowledge I have about webMethods is that it is an emerging tool , so jobs should boom in the future ?

2) How interesting the job in Web Methods. As I dont have much knowledge abt Web Methods I can't make out howz intersting work it will be

Please advice

17 years ago
Thanks Ko Ko Naing.

Ya I will definitely shoot a mail to them.

If the application server would be only ATG then would you like to comment how good is the job profile and also may I know the future job prospects of ATG ?

I know its quite an uncertain market but if you can share your experience with me , it would be greate to make my decision .
17 years ago

I have got a job whose profile is :

Work on java/J2EE which will use ATG and Weblogic .

Now I have a doubt that is ATG an Application Server only , if yes then how we will be using the 2 application servers at the same time ?

17 years ago


I have actually got a job whose profile is :

Work on java/J2EE which will use ATG and Weblogic .

Now I have a doubt that is ATG an Application Server only , if yes then how we will be using the 2 application servers at the same time ?

17 years ago
Hi all,

I have just got a project in ATG Frameowrk.So, can anyone tell me the future of thsi Framework , how it is shaping up and the job prospects in future in this framework

Thanks in advance
17 years ago
hi all,

Can anyone let me know how is the future of ATG framework in the future ?
17 years ago