Anu Pillai

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since Oct 09, 2006
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Recent posts by Anu Pillai

if the method in class B is declared as static, then cant any method from class A call the method in class B without instantiating or inheritence?
15 years ago
why dont you try adding each line you read into a set, in case the line is a duplicate entry, the add operation will return a value of false, so you will get all the duplicate entries as well.
15 years ago
Is there any api in jdk1.4 to get the proxy address..
I am stuck with one error for my permissions in Sunone server
Scenario is i am generating a PDF report from my servlet using jasper reports.The exception printed is as follows:
[26/Jun/2007:05:29:10] WARNING ( 5926): CORE3283: stderr: javax.servlet.ServletException: /auth/jsp/GenericError.jsp
[26/Jun/2007:05:29:10] WARNING ( 5926): CORE3283: stderr: at Method)
[26/Jun/2007:05:29:10] WARNING ( 5926): CORE3283: stderr: at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher.include(

The permissions given in my server.policy file are

permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "loadLibrary.*";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "queuePrintJob";
permission "*", "connect";
permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read,write";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getProtectionDomain";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission"modifyThreadGroup";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "modifyThread";

Pls let me know whether i need to provide any additional permission to make this work.Thanks in advance...
17 years ago

<INPUT type="submit" name="action1" value="Add">

If you have a textbox like the one above, then in order to retreive its value, you have to use:


If you give the attribute value="ad" in the textbox, the text 'Add' will appear inside the textbox.
17 years ago

I too had a problem of waking up early in the morning. One solution I found is that I stayed up late till midnight and then slept till 7am. So I have a feeling that I have slept for a long time. If that doesnt work, you can try another solution. My problem is that even after i wake up, i would like to snooze for some time. The solution I found is that I kept 3 alarms at 3 different times. Suppose i want to wake at 6, i have a first alarm at 5.30am am, a second one at 5.45 am and the third one at 6 am. So when the first 2 alarms go off...i simply turn them off and assure myself thati can snooze for some more time...and i wake up at the third alarm.
17 years ago
I also agree with all the people saying that the system is corrupt. Yes it is corrupt, but cant we do something about it rather than putting the blame on others.

little drops of water make the mighty ocean...

If we (our generation) take action, then we can make a difference rather than blaming the system. We can make a resolution that we will not drive beyond the speed limit, that we will not drink and drive. We can pass on this good information to our siblings.If you really look into all the accident cases, you can see that most of them are caused by youngsters. We can stop our friends, our relatives etc from doing wrong things.
17 years ago
its better to use javascript alert function inside javascript functions than using scriptlets
18 years ago

I think you can take a look at "Expression Tree" (Google). Its a way of representing equations like you have described in a tree structure and later evaluating them. Or you can use a stack also. While I was learning Java, we had an exercise to do the same. And we implemented it using stack. The point is that you can google for data structures and you will defenitely get links.

Here is one link I found:
It will help you to understand what I am talking about.
[ January 02, 2007: Message edited by: Anu Pillai ]
18 years ago
If you are using the printStackTrace() method to get the trace of the exception, then it will show which line of which file is creating the exception. If you need help, then post the stack trace here and people will help you out.
18 years ago
If you mean the comments that appear on top of a method when we create it using an IDE, then they are the ones which appear in the JavaDoc when you create one for that class. These are the description that you read in the API of the classes. The IDE provides space for you to describe what a method does, what are its input paramaters and its output parameters. So that when any other person reads the code, he gets an idea about the method or the class.

18 years ago
As far as I understood, it contains a routine to read the contents of a file and display it. And there is a call to that routine passing a filename as parameter. I am sorry if this information doesnt help you at all.
18 years ago
JDBC is used to make a connection to the database and to retreive data from the tables. But you need a place to store the data that you retreive from the tables. This is where java beans are used. The data retreived from the tables are stored in JavaBean. And these JavaBean objects are passed between the servlets and the jsp according to the business logic.
18 years ago
Its giving an error because the keyword 'this' cannot be used in a static method. Give that statement in another method and call this method from main, it will work.
18 years ago
The finally block will get executed even if we give a return statement in the try or catch block. So the return statement of finally will be executed i beleive.
18 years ago