Anil Verghese

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since Oct 11, 2006
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Recent posts by Anil Verghese

I have set the parameter value using getter/setter in the interceptor and then in the tiles I used the following

<definition name="online.template" template="brand.jsp">
<put-attribute name="header" value="${id}/header.ftl"/>

Each client has different header files so I want to provide the id to direct to the right header. Is this possible or is there another way around?
13 years ago

Is it possible to pass dynamic values in tiles.xml as we do in struts.xml in Struts2? I have used ${parameter} to get dynamic values in config file but it doesnt seem to work. Any ideas?

13 years ago

Is it possible to include a template file(freemarker) residing in the tomcat/shared/templates folder in a jsp? if not how do i seperate templates from the whole application itself? ie for each client i want to have a seperate ftl file independent from the web-app so that i dont have to redeploy the app each time a new client comes?

Hope am clear...


I want to create an android app that would communicate with an already developed and deployed web application project. Is it possible if yes how? Are there any tutorials about this, or a sample code. i tried webview but wanted to know if its possible to make use a normal app instead of webview.

Any suggestions/help is greatly appreciated.

13 years ago

My page --

I am using tomcat server..

I am not sure how tiles would help to resolve this issue. 2 of the pages require data from the db to be displayed, the maim purpose for including 3 in 1 was to avoid the whole page from getting rfereshed wen an operation was done say like insert.. i.e say if the user was working one of the 3 jsps, on click of the button in that jsp the other 2 pages would not be affected.

Hope this would give you a bit of idea about the issue
13 years ago

The home page of the web application we created has 3 jsps included in it using jquery. The problem now is that everytime user logs in to the system the server is hit 4 times. one for the login, the rest for loading the pages.. I wanted to know if its possible to avoid this. A re-work on the architecture is impossible, is there an other way out? Any suggestions would be of great help as the performance of the server is going down drastically.

13 years ago

I found the solution, actually it was a mistake from my end.. the struts-config.xml entry for validation was not done properly..
Anyways thanks guys.
13 years ago

I am using addActionMessges(String) method to insert messages to be displayed to the customer in m action class and <s:actionMessages/> in my jsp to display them, but after including client validations using Struts2 validations its not working. I am not really sure why? Any suggestions would of great help.

13 years ago
I am using Struts 2... and everytime a message has to be shown i insert the message into addActionMessage(); I have included a <s:actionmessage/> in my jsp but due to some reason everytime the message has to be dis[played the same page gets reloaded but with the message. The issue here is instead of a single page i get the same page twice one loaded over the other?
13 years ago

How do we display actionmessages/actionerrors on the same page in Struts2? Kind of urgent...
13 years ago
How to handle pagination when there are records like say in millions in java? Or do we handle this using SQL? I as asked this question in an interview.
13 years ago

Is there any free sqlite plugin for eclipse?

14 years ago

I have a file in the assets folder of my project. I wanted to know how to read from this file?

14 years ago
Can I get the code, I tried but while executing no colors are displayed in the list instead it shows [object Object]
14 years ago

How Do I insert colors in a list? Is it possible to do that.

14 years ago