sonali patil

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since Oct 12, 2006
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Recent posts by sonali patil

Woww! thats a great score

Of course the Study Guide by Kathy & Bert is helping a lot.
Thanks for your guideline words
It will definitely help me as i am preparing for scjp 5.0

18 years ago
What if you try to call a non-static method ,but the non-sttic method doesn't use nay instance variables.Will the compiler allow taht?
18 years ago
Thank you Sir,
Is this book available in India(Pune)
Thank you Sir,
Is this book available in India(Pune)
18 years ago
Can anyone suggest me, which books should I refer for SCJP 5.0
and on which area, I should concentrate more?
18 years ago
Can anyone suggest me, which books should I refer for SCJP 5.0
and on which area, I should concentrate more?