Jer Kearne

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since Oct 12, 2006
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Recent posts by Jer Kearne

QTP is built especially with web apps in mind... WinRunner in included and bundled with QTP which may be better for your app.

Have you tested WR with your app?
[ November 21, 2006: Message edited by: Jer Kearne ]
17 years ago
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone would have any advice or know of any online resources on the implementation of a recovery system/result reporting in Java. We are using Watij for application testing through the IE.

Thanks in advance...

17 years ago
Sorry for the delay - but many thanks Jake
17 years ago
Hi All,

We are now using Watij for the web automation. The API appears to have all the functionality that we need.

The only issue that we have is that previously we used commercial tools like SilkTest where you were able to define a page's objects in a class. This offered us great reusability and meant that maintenance was at a minimum as the page declarations only had to be modified in one place if a page's tags changed.

Is there a way to implimenting a similar design in Java?

Currently any scripts we have running - use the DOM object tags which will change in future builds and mean high test script maintenance with each release. e.g. a table tag in the current build is "N225D8" but this will change in the next - please see the code example below.

ie.table(id, "N225D8").cell(2,1).link(text, id_num).click();

The DOM inspector is only recording the table's "id" and "class", and unfortunately you cannot use the "class" word in Java.

Any advice is much appreciated.
17 years ago
Apologies Jeanne
17 years ago
Hi All,

I'm trying to carry out some IE Automation - previously we were using commercial tools (e.g. SilkTest) but are now trying to move towards a Java based test enviroment.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience of this or would recommend any APIs that I could have a look at.

Currently I'm looking at ... Jacobie -

Jacobie is a Java API for use with Internet Explorer. Based on the JACOB project (JAva to COm Bridge) and the IE COM Object, it directly controls IE from java. This API can be used as a true end-user web browser test with IE and not a Http-Based test such as HttpUnit.

Any advice is much appreciated!

17 years ago