Rohitt Vermaa

Ranch Hand
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since Oct 12, 2006
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Recent posts by Rohitt Vermaa

Take a look at this too
17 years ago
Hi, I don't know about experienced people but it definitely helps someone like me who have just 1 year experience. There are hundreds of employees just like me with same qualification and experience. Being certified I feel that I have advantage over others.
18 years ago

Originally posted by Rambo Prasad:
Check this video

This is a fake video. The police man wearing plain white shirt.
18 years ago
Yes we required to know all standard tags. Study specs for all the tags.
Yes this is the unfortunate state of or country. I think the media is doing a good job by exposing lot of politicians. But it is very unfortunate that the people are more interested in Abhishek-Aish marriage and Shilpa Shetty than the sting operations by the news channels. To keep up their TRP rating the news channel also gives more importance to such useless issues.
18 years ago
1. Do you want to work in Java only?
2. Do you want to stay in the same location?
3. Do you want to work only in this company?
If any one of the answer is NO go for that. I think you should sacrifice any one thing.
18 years ago
The problem in giving so long joining period is that the person can use the current offer to get a better offer. I have seen people negotiating like I have X company offer for 10Lakhs so i expect at least 12 from you.
18 years ago
That depends on the person who recruits you. Generally speaking 2 months is too long.
18 years ago